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Coprophagia (poop eating)

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  • #22980 Report Abuse

    Belle is driving me nuts. She strains to get to cat poo when we’re walking and even tries to eat her own poop. I’ve used the additives and tried the recommended foods: pumpkin, pineapple, spinach. Nothing works. I just read a recommendation for a hydrolyzed diet that is lower in protein. Any suggestions for food brands for this type diet. She is a Maltese/Scottish Terrier mix and weighs 20 lbs. I currently feed her Blue Lamb and Brown Rice. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    #22986 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I would not feed a hydrolyzed low protein diet. A diet such as that should only be used under extreme medical conditions. They are prescription only and any vet in their right mind would never prescribe it for a dog with coprophagia. Dogs are meant to eat a diet high in animal-based protein, pleas don’t force make your dog eat a food like that. Most of the time coprophagia is not a nutritional issue – it’s a behavioral issue.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Hound Dog Mom.
    #23626 Report Abuse
    Jackie B

    Try Solid Gold’s SEP product, maybe that will help. One of my forum friends said it works on her dogs. Or pick up quickly after her, if you can. Not that it will help with cat poo.

    #23630 Report Abuse

    My dedicated poop eater quit cold turkey when I switched to high protein grain free. He still wants to eat the poop of the dog we babysit that is on cheaper food and I don’t know if there is anything that would make kitty fudge unattractive.

    #23633 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    The only poop my dogs have ever gone after is horse poop. I don’t know why but as soon as they see a horse turd they think it’s a free for all buffet. They’ve never shown any interest in eating other dog’s poop or the cat’s poop.

    #23636 Report Abuse

    Mine like the little tiny wild bunny poop the best.

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