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Coconut Water

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  • #11257 Report Abuse

    I was cleaning the refrigerator this morning and came across a tetra pack of coconut water. I bought of case of the “plain” variety of VitaCoco once before and didn’t like it. So, I took it to work (where usually they’ll eat / drink anything that’s free) and none of them liked it either. Well, for some reason I picked up a single of coconut water with pineapple thinking maybe it would taste better.

    I really wanted to like it because of the great nutritional and it’s reported ability to be a superior hydrator. In fact, I have a good friend who regularly gives her son with Down’s Syndrome coconut water to help with hydration because his little body is inefficient at regulating his internal temperature and he easily becomes overheated if not well hydrated.

    So, before I threw away this last package of coconut water, I started wondering if anyone here thought it might be beneficial to give coconut water to their dogs? My Cavalier has to be put under general anesthesia tomorrow for what hopefully will be simply a diagnostic procedure, but may also end up being a surgical procedure (soft palate resection). I got to thinking that sometimes anesthesia can cause a diminished thirst and appetite and that possibly Bell might drink some coconut water afterward.

    Here’s a YouTube video I found that speaks plainly as to what I’ve read are some of the reported benefits of coconut water. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU2JuZ6l35I&list=UUYuRsyw-9u-0kiOZakkHL-Q&index=16.

    Any thoughts? : )

    Peace, Betsy

    #11259 Report Abuse

    All I can tell you is my husband read those same reports and just had to have coconut water on hand. He doesn’t like coconut in any form, is really picky about how things taste, doesn’t like to try new things, etc. so I will probably have a can of coconut water from now to eternity. But it sure wouldn’t hurt to offer some to Bella after her anesthesia wears off. Though she may agree with you about it’s taste.

    #11271 Report Abuse

    I got SEVERELY dehydrated after I had a very negative reaction to the drugs I was put on after breaking my foot… I spent about $300 at the health food store fighting the symptoms of the two $10.00ish drugs… I drank A LOT of coconut water and mineral water for several weeks — I probably should have gone back to the doc I was so bad (if I smiled my lips would crack and bleed). Coconut water is an excellent source of electrolytes (minerals) that help get the water we drink into our cells.

    I don’t see why it couldn’t be given to dogs? Make sure the sugar content isn’t high due to the added pineapple.

    Zico makes a chocolate coconut water that is pretty good. I’ve also tried mango and guava that I didn’t mind. However, I think the easiest way to get it down is to blend it with frozen berries (and a high quality protein powder) to make a smoothy.. 🙂

    #11278 Report Abuse

    My husband who doesn’t like anything had to get coconut water to try, in case anyone got the flu. Everyone but me got the flu right before Christmas, and there the coconut water sits, because nobody was willing to even try it. We’ll probably still have it 10 years from now.

    #11333 Report Abuse

    Coconut oil is very good for dogs, due to it’s anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Our stores not only sells it as an oil, but has chips of it to be given as treats as well. As long as the sugar content is okay, and there aren’t any other “iffy” ingredients, then I don’t see why you can’t give it to your dog.

    #11348 Report Abuse

    I love coconut water! It’s my alternative to soda. Been trying to wean myself off diet drinks. Not much to chose from though – coconut water, organic green tea and hibiscus tea and some other teas. And wish it didn’t cost as much as it does!

    #11352 Report Abuse

    My husband just decided to open our single can of coconut water and give it a try. He passed some around to whoever would try it. That would be me. He was not impressed, as I figured. I sure liked it, so I read the label. 110 calories per can. Ingredients: coconut water, water, sugar, green coconut pulp, and a couple chemicals I had to be careful to pronounce for freshness and to protect color. We likely won’t buy more unless desperate.

    #11356 Report Abuse

    I’ve tried coconut milk before, didn’t really like it, maybe I’ll give the water a shot!

    #11361 Report Abuse

    I found it to have a very mild flavor, still like coconut milk, but kind of watered down. Oh wait, the second ingredient on my can was water

    #29761 Report Abuse
    Mark McDermott

    Hi Betsy Greer,
    I too encountered the same experience with Vita Coco. I took one sip and could dnot take a second. It was awful. I tried many other, with some mixed results but have now found one the completely surpasses all the others. It is called TRUCOCO. It tastes completely different than other coconut waters. It has a crisp, clean taste and I absolutely love it. I have also given it to my dog, but before I did so, I spoke with my vet who said it was not harmful at all for my dog’s body and that it in fact could be quite beneficial for him. I found TRUCOCO at Whole Foods – it is in a glass bottle. It is fantastic.

    #29763 Report Abuse

    Coconut water is supposed to be better than electrolyte drinks after the flu or other stomach illnesses, among other things.

    #30065 Report Abuse

    I’ve seen coconut oil for pets in the pet stores too..but I’m assuming there’s no difference between those and the ones you can get cheaper for humans. As long as you get a good quality one.

    Coconut WATER for dogs? I’ve given it to mine and he loves it, but I would think it’d be a bad idea to do so daily..due to the “sugar”?

    #30074 Report Abuse

    The only coconut water I have had didn’t have much “sugar” in it, but it isn’t something that I would give my dogs just for the sake of giving it and therefore they wouldn’t get it often at all, unless it was for a specific issue that popped up.

    #30116 Report Abuse

    Coconut water is actually great for dogs. =)

    #33069 Report Abuse

    Would there be any benefits in giving you dog organic coconut chips. I’ve seen them at health food stores and wondered if they’d be as healthful as the coconut oils in their food or at least as healthy treats.

    #33075 Report Abuse

    They supposedly have a type of fiber in them that feeds the good bacteria and they should be good for chronic diarrhea sufferers, but I think that would be something that a little bit spread throughout the day would be more beneficial than a whole chip as a chew.

    #33085 Report Abuse

    I’ve seen them also, Dori. I’ve haven’t bought any yet, but have had some Coco Therapy Coconut Chips in my Amazon shopping cart for a while.

    Here’s a link to the product: http://www.amazon.com/Coco-Therapy-Coconut-Chips-170g/dp/B002XAXYFI/ref=sr_1_1?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1391450650&sr=1-1&keywords=organic+coconut+chips

    #33203 Report Abuse

    I give my Bruno a teaspoon of coconut butter (dried unsweetened shredded coconut flesh, processed in the food processor until it becomes butter-like) every other day with his breakfast. He is super soft and shiny. I love it! I personally love coconut-anything, and this coconut butter is what goes on my toast every other day as well. But I can imagine pure (unsweetened) coconut water would be good for pups too.

    #33204 Report Abuse

    Mystery gets about a tablespoon of organic, extra-virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil once a day. He had extremely flakey skin – I’d find it in and around his crate every morning, like snow! After no results from trying omegas and a “special” shampoo, I started him on the coconut oil, which I get from Sam’s, a few months ago. His skin no longer flakes and his coat is wonderfully soft.

    #33207 Report Abuse

    Mine all get organic, extra virgin, cold pressed coconut oil too.

    #33213 Report Abuse

    Since we are on the topic of coconut oil – I once read it’s great for oral health, and that some people brush their dogs (or even their own) teeth with it. Does anyone here know if it is/isn’t good for oral health? Because for some reason, I got the tooth-curse with all my dogs, LOL! They all get water additives, teeth-brushing 2-5x weekly, tooth spray/gel/foam, and various chews all the time, but two of them still ended up w teeth that’ll need to get pulled soon.

    #33220 Report Abuse

    I don’t think it would do much for an already existing problem, but it is anti bacterial, anti fungal, and several other antis that sound like it sould be good for oral health.

    #33357 Report Abuse

    I was recently turned onto Harmless Harvest raw organic coconut water (refrigerated section Whole Foods). Best coconut water I’ve tried, tastes like it’s fresh from the coconut. We give it to our maltese by dropper so it doesn’t get on their beards and generally give no more than 3 dropper-fulls a few times a week, and more often in summer (although they always want more 🙂
    I also do the same when I give them green juices but give about 4-8 dropper-fulls (if that’s a word?) since it has less sugar.
    I think a healthier option to plain coconut water is fermented coconut water (refrigerated section Whole Foods) but it’s definitely not as delicious as the Harmless Harvest.
    PS Coco Libre Organic coconut water is the next best tasting coconut water I’ve tried and less money than Harmless Harvest. Both brands are 100% coconut water.
    Great website and forum, I’ve learned a lot. Thanks.

    #60319 Report Abuse
    Judy M

    The best electrolyte in the world is Coconut Water which is found in a young Thai coconut. It is phenomenal for re-hydrating the body naturally and it has massive amounts of potassium. Stay away from the packaged products because most of the nutritional value has been destroyed from pasteurization and heat treatment. It has a subtle, sweet smell and taste and your dogs will eagerly drink it. You can freeze the meat and use it in a smoothie at a later time. If you consume coconut milk, water, butter or oil regularly you will notice a significant improvement with your skin.

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