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Chicken Foot humor….

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  • #17962 Report Abuse

    Thought I’d share a funny, yet embarrassing, thing that happened to me tonight. I fed Bailey dinner tonight, her usual raw dinner. While I’m cleaning up and putting a bit of chicken that I still have left back in the fridge, I noticed I forgot to give her the last chicken foot with dinner. She had just finished up eating and was cleaning up her “eating area”, so I tossed it to her, and went about cleaning up. Anyways, I don’t think she chewed it up much before she swallowed it, you’ll find out how I know that in a second, lol! So, after she got done eating, I wanted to take her for a quick walk, because I was going to be leaving to go to dinner with my sister. So, we get a few houses down, to where Bailey’s boyfriend, the very handsome Pitbull, Nick, lives and they start running around playing and wrestling. Nick’s owner is an older gentleman who works on cars all the time in his driveway, and he had a few friends over. So, I’m standing there talking to them, Bailey is playing with Nick and then she comes over to me and starts acting like she’s gonna throw up. Well, you can guess what came up……the chicken foot, and that was it! All 4 guys that I’m standing there talking to, look down at what Bailey just yacked up and they look at me like I just grew 2 heads or something. I was so embarrassed! I then proceeded to explain that I feed Bailey a raw diet and I got a million questions, but OMG! How embarrassing! Oh, and fyi, Bailey is fine, just too much running around too soon after eating.

    #17985 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    That’s too funny!

    #17989 Report Abuse

    ROFLMAO and I am too. I had to read this one out loud to my kids and I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t breath. I can just see the whole thing, in fact it could even happen at my neighbor’s.

    #17991 Report Abuse

    That’s hilarious!

    This story “ended” differently than I thought it would though… I pictured you having to give Bailey a hand in expelling the chicken foot. KWIM?

    #17994 Report Abuse

    Lol! It was pretty funny. I laughed more once I got home. I wish I could have gotten a picture of my neighbor and his friend’s faces. They were pretty repulsed. Lol!

    #17995 Report Abuse

    Betsy, I’m glad it happened the way it did and not the way you thought, lol! Not sure what “KWIM” means.

    #17997 Report Abuse

    Know What I Mean

    But what does SHM mean? Oh wait, maybe I just figured it out and I didn’t really need to know.

    #18000 Report Abuse

    Oh, ok. I’m not up on all those abbreviations. I know what “SMH” means (shakes my head), but I don’t know what “SHM” means. Lol! Oh well. I feel old! Lol!

    #18003 Report Abuse

    From the person I got it from and the context I think it was “S**T happens, man” but she could have meant SMH instead too. I’m doing good to know LOL, GFETE, LMAO, and ROFL. That’s about as far as my knowledge goes. OK, I also know IMO, JMO, IMHO and JMHO. Think I’m around people with opinions a lot?

    #18004 Report Abuse

    Lol! I would say so. I know all the ones you listed except “GFETE”. I’ve never seen that one before. That’s about the extent of my abbreviated knowledge, except for the obvious OMG & ones like that, lol!

    #18005 Report Abuse

    I just learned ITA, I Totally Agree. GFETE is Grinning From Ear To Ear.

    #18006 Report Abuse

    Ah, ok. Both of those are new to me.

    #18014 Report Abuse

    ROFL,wht Besty thought is the same as me!

    #18020 Report Abuse

    Now I knew as soon as she said she gave them the foot quick because she was going to take him for a walk what was going to happen. I could just see the whole thing…

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