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Cat food recommendations

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 1,489 total)
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  • #37214 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I believe they do; not sure on the specifics (GF or grain inclusive). I don’t feed their GF cat food because it includes fish meal so I never investigated it further.

    #37215 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Can’t wait for the WD finale!!!! 😼 I don’t feel like doing anything else today but watching the marathon. I really need to get some dog food, but I have enough to last until tomorrow. lol I just can’t help myself.

    #37227 Report Abuse

    Hi Bobby Dog,

    I just ran some errands and hoped I had missed the part I just saw ~ the midseason finale. I hate Herschel’s death.

    #37229 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I hate when they kill off father/mother figures. I hated Dale’s death too! 🙁

    #37272 Report Abuse

    So I’m just sitting here looking at the PetSmart website, at this huge freaking list of Fancy Feast cat food (next on my list), and I’m about ready to die. OMG there are too many!! UUUUUUUUUGH!!!!!!! I might not come out of this alive LOL

    #37273 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey Akari:
    Here’s my Fancy Feast list if it’s any help to you. This is from the grocery store list of food I have been slowly working on. It’s my typical list, no glutens, wheat, corn, soy, and a named meat first etc, etc. Yes, there is fish in some or all (I forget), and some artificial color and flavors, but what are you gonna do. And I believe the carbs should be 5 and under according to the catinfo.org food spreadsheet.

     Fancy Feast:
    ‱ Fish & Shrimp Feast Flaked
    ‱ Kitten Tender Turkey Feast
    ‱ Kitten Tender Ocean Whitefish Feast
    ‱ Tender Liver & Chicken Feast Classic
    ‱ Turkey and Giblets Feast Classic
    Gotta go make a snack for the Walking Dead finale 🙂

    #37355 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi Akari:
    FYI, Purina added a few new coupons to their website, one being a BOGO Pro Plan canned catfood coupon:

    Here’s my Pro Plan catfood list:
    1. Finesse – K3, artificial flavors, meat by-products:
    Chic & Liver Entree Classic
    2. Savor – K3, artificial flavors, fish, meat by-products:
    Beef & Carrots Entrée Classic, Chic & Spinach Entrée Classic, Salmon & Wild Rice
    Entrée Classic, and Turkey & Veg Entrée Classic
    3. Focus – K3, added color, artificial flavor, fish, meat by-products:
    Chic & Beef Entrée Classic (salmon) and Kitten Chic & Liver Entrée Classic

    This list is just based on which recipe has the least amount of ingredients I don’t like to see in pet food. I did not check the carbs, but they are probably on the low side since these are pate styles.

    #37356 Report Abuse

    Oh cool, thanks! I’m printing them now :p

    #37900 Report Abuse

    Bobby asked for an update, so here it is!

    The cat is doing really good. He went for a while with out one of his bouts of wandering the house meowing and getting into trouble, but last night and night before he was HORRIBLE. And last night he managed to get out the front door, and we had to chase him into the neighbors yard. He got locked in the bathroom for that (not long, though, because I didn’t feel like dragging his litter box in there). Now I’m squirting him with the spray bottle for even going near the door. He can’t do that! Naughty cat….

    But he’s been doing really good. Him and Bentley are getting along better. They even lay together. It’s sooooooo cute! X3 Ooh, and last night, he slept in my bed snuggled up against me :3 Until I almost rolled over him in my sleep, that is LOL He came back a few times (I only know this because I wake up every time I roll over on him XD), and then stayed in the living room once about 6:00 hit. He does bad stuff out there lol No, he probably gets up in his cat tree and watches the birds in the back yard as the sun rises.

    And because of last nights incidents, mom wants everyone chipped. So eventually that’ll happen. I want to done too, but it’s a time and money thing. But it’s only $25 per chip, so it’s not too bad 🙂

    #37906 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Awwwwwww! Mom’s worried about the kitty she gave a trial month to getting lost and now wants him microchipped? Sounds like someone has a permanent home! lol I have a feeling Bentley and Gary are going to become good friends, especially because they are close in age and probably will be partners in crime.

    I know I wrote this before, but Bentley is absolutely adorable!!!!

    How is walking Gary on a leash coming along?

    Did you get your HW/flea meds? I had one idea for you if you didn’t get them yet. Maybe the Vet that you like, the one that doesn’t sell monthy supplies of these meds, will fax a prescription to the Vet that will sell monthy doses. Let your Vet know it is due to your budget. Hopefully, your Vet will understand your dilema; after all he is in the business to make sure everyones pets’ are happy and healthy. You never know, maybe your Vet will change their office policy and sell monthly doses to you after you explain your issue.

    #37909 Report Abuse

    Oh yes…. We don’t typically microchip pets that are going to be rehomed! YAY! Woo Hoo! I wake up with two to four cats on me or beside me every morning. You won’t roll over on them. I can’t believe you are able to keep him indoors as much as you do since he was a outdoor cat before. He must really feel comfortable. Keep up the good work.

    #38079 Report Abuse

    He’s doing pretty good with the harness. When I take him out though, he eats a bunch of grass and then doesn’t really eat the rest of the day. I’m sure a combination of heat, and the grass eating and the stress of being confined to the leash, but it really throws off my very scientifically made up meal plan for him! Lol The other day I took him out, and he got so hot that has was panting louder than the dog. I tried running water and a small ice cube, but couldn’t get him to drink any, so I added extra-extra water to his food.

    I haven’t actually rolled over top of him yet, but I wake up when I start to roll and there’s a cat there, and it’s bolting off so it doesn’t get squished lol he’s good about moving before I’m on top of him :p

    I think what’s keeping him from being overly persistent about getting out is the promise of three meals a day LOL He’s gained a couple pounds since I got him.

    Moms back on declawing him again. You know why? Because HER idiot ass dog can’t leave the cat alone for moe than two seconds. The cat was laying in the recliner, and Bentley jumped up and landed right on top of him. Gave the poor cat a heart attack and he tried to jump over the back of the chair to get away, and he put a teeny tiny little hole in the head rest. That stupid dog needs to be beat. Punish him for having no self control, not the cat for getting the crap scared out of him. I’d sooner keep the cat only in my room than get him declawed. It’s not going to happen and she can shove her stubborn, inhumane attitude up her nose -_-

    #38097 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi Akari:
    I’m glad you are against de-clawing, I am strictly against it too!!! Just keep an extra eye on the two when they are in the same room (I know it’s not easy) to avoid another incident. They will eventually get used to each other.

    What’s the temp where you live? I forget there are actually places that are warm right now. I am still wearing my barn jacket outside. lol Good job rehydrating him the way you did.

    Do you have any kind of a green thumb? You don’t need much of one to grow some catnip or kitty grass for him to knaw on. The seeds are cheap too. If you do grow some only give him access to it when your home though. I made the mistake of leaving a catnip plant out when my cats were indoor only in one of my old apartments. Well the kitties discovered it on top of a shelf one day and there was a huge pile of dirt and green pieces everywhere along with everything else they knocked over to get to it! Too funny, I still laugh to myself when I think about it. After that incident I planted some seeds in a large, old plastic container I had; it made it heavy, but was easy to move and if they did knock it over, it wouldn’t break. I put it outside of my window when I wasn’t home. They loved their catnip plant! I would also break off pieces for them, but it was funnier to watch them paw at the plant and knaw on it when I let them have access to it. When I eventually moved to my house I planted a row of catnip (about a 25 ft length) in my garden that grows every year. My cats spend alot of time down there playing in the patch. Sometimes other cats in the neighborhood stop by too. I do have to chase them away if my cats are there to avoid any cat fights. lol

    #38116 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I am posting this info on this thread since we discussed the subject here, hopefully you will see it.

    I am not sure if you decided to try making a litter box out of a tote, but I just made another one and found an easier way (at least for me) to cut an entrance into the tote. On catinfo she writes that she used a box cutter to make an entrance. I found it a little more difficult to do this than what she stated. I ended up using a soldering iron to create an entrance this time. I used a pencil to make an outline of the entrance and then used the soldering iron to melt away an opening. I found it much easier than using a box cutter or even sharp scissors. My hand was a little sore after I made the first litter box. lol

    #38164 Report Abuse

    Hey Bobby dog-
    Thanks for the advise. I was actually just thinking about getting one with wheels as they get so heavy to pick up to clean around. I checked at Target and they did not have anything. I have not been to Walmart for a while. Maybe this coming weekend ill check it out. That is a great idea to use the soldering gun to melt out an entrance rather than cut. I know how hard it is just to open up some of those anti theft packages everything comes in now. Thank you.

    #38177 Report Abuse

    Hi Bobby Dog-
    Another update for litter box making. I found a website that shows how to make them also. Maybe you have already seen it, but it is catsadored.com. They do not show a box with wheels, but they do show a soldering gun. I haven’t seen a homemade one with wheels yet, though. But, I think it is a fabulous idea! Going to make it my weekend project. The box upstairs needs an overhaul!

    #38181 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hello C4c:
    I have not seen that website so thanks for sharing, I always love when people let me know about websites they found! I am going there after I send this message.

    So, I guess I am not as brilliant as I think I am for coming up with the soldering iron idea!!! lol I had to make a little adjustment to my box (make the entrance a little lower so my older kitty can step in easier) and found the sticker with the info about the tote still on the bottom. It is a 45 gallon tote, blue, with two wheels, and it was the only tote at my Wal-Marts with wheels; I would think all Wal-Marts carry the same totes. For the new box I just made, since it is for my porch, I will be using a lid so I melted some holes in the lid for ventilation.

    I still love the convenience of the litter box being on wheels. I do have to warn you, I used a 40 lb box of litter initially to fill it.

    My neighbor just stopped by with about 20 tiny burgers he made out of left over filet mignon for Bobby; he is a caterer. I think Bobby just lost his mind. He smelled them and I don’t think he appreciated me putting the bag in the freezer. I did leave one out for him for later! Thanks again for the website.

    #38182 Report Abuse

    Wow! Lucky boy. I spose you will be eating hot dogs while he’s eating his file mignon. LOL! Let me know what you think of the litter boxes on the new website.

    #38190 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Yeah, I was just thinking about that, is it possible he likes my dog more than he likes me? lol. What about leftovers for me? He does adore Bobby and he’s one of Bobby’s favorite people; he has four favorites. Every morning he trots over to his house and returns with a bisquit. I am lucky to live next door to a neighbor that loves Bobby probably almost as much as I do. My mother was ill and hospitalized for five days just before New Year’s eve this year. I called him from the hospital late in the evening to ask if he could feed and let Bobby out because I didn’t know when or if I would be getting home. He didn’t hesitate to say yes and even kept him at his house until I got home.

    I like his litter box designs. Some of the openings looked narrow and long to me, but I understand his thought behind the opening shapes. I think I like the size of the opening on catinfo’s better (it’s worked well for my cats). But, his are good to keep in mind because you never know when a design might need to be tweeked for some reason. I also like leaving the top rim of the box intact (catinfos design). My thought would be for better support to keep the box square. Idk Also, I know on catinfo she mentions different theories on where you might want to put an opening (long or short side). I put the opening on the short side of the first box because of where I was putting it and it hasn’t caused any problems, such as litter getting scattered. On the second one I put the opening on the long side. My cats don’t seem to have a preference. I really feel they are just in awe of all the space they have inside. They actually look more interested in using the litter box. lol It’s funny to watch them the first few times because they almost seem overwhelmed by all the possibilities of where they can dig their hole.

    I am going to look into the mats he suggested. I just put an old car mat outside of the one in the basement.

    I also checked out the prices of the litter he suggested, the chicken layer feed, very interesting. I can still get clumping unscented TSC litter a few pennies cheaper/lbs, but I might give it a try this summer on the porch just to see how it works. I already planned on trying corn pellets from TSC as litter; it is 40 lbs/$7.00. I started using corn pellets for my horses this winter. I don’t use stalls but during inclimate weather they do urinate in a specific spot in their run-in. I previously used wood shavings which was a pain because I couldn’t put it in the regular manure pile. The people that pick up my manure for composting won’t take it if there is anything other than straw, hay, or manure in it.

    Later on tonight I am going to look at the website again to see what other info I can find. It looks like a handy site. Thanks again. Oh, and the tote box from Wal-Mart is a Sterilite and was $20, maybe a little more. So, if your Wal-Mart doesn’t have it, maybe you can track one down from their website.

    #38191 Report Abuse

    I actually looked on Walmart’s website and didn’t see it. Hmmm… I’ll try again. I’m kind of on a mission now. LOL! I have a fairly large male cat and the boxes I have just don’t look big (tall) enough for him. $20 sounds good to me! I would definitely leave the rim as I am planning on using the lid with air vents like you suggested. I’d like to leave it off, but I need to make it a little tougher for my dogs to get into. Have a great day!

    #38195 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Walmart has these listed as packages of four and possibly sold individually at your “local Wal-Mart” on their site:


    Sterilite 45 gal. Wheeled Latch Tote – @ Home Depot, (couldn’t paste the url for some reason) copy and paste this into their search bar and it will come up. This one supposedly has four wheels but it looks just like the one I have.

    Sterilite’s website also has it but I couldn’t copy & paste the url for some reason either. Google “sterilite 45 gallon tote with wheels.”

    Anyway, at least you can see what it looks like. Cheers

    #38435 Report Abuse

    I missed the above post, somehow. But I did eventually find those and was just going to tell you about it. LOL! Anyway, it does look like I’d have to get the 45 gallon one to get the wheels. Darn it. I don’t want one that big in my bedroom! I think I’m going to start with the 22 or 30 gallon one. I think it will still give my big male cat more room than the one I have set up. He has been going outside of it now and then, so hopefully this will help. I’ll go to Walmart this weekend. I believe I have to order a whole set from their website. I don’t like having a box in our bedroom, but once the puppies came, I had to keep their food and boxes out of their reach. They were and are such a handful even at 2 1/2 years old. So much different from our previous dog. And I think you are right, I also like how Lisa Pierson cuts out her boxes better than the other site. If you google home made litter boxes, there are some pretty creative ideas to “dress” them up or hide them.

    #38437 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hello C4c:
    Too bad you didn’t see the post, lol, it would have saved you a little time! Hey, either way you get to see how a homemade litter box works out. And if it does, maybe the larger wheeled tote will fit nicely in one of the other locations you use litter boxes. I am going to Google homemade litter boxes sometime this weekend. Maybe I can get some ideas to make the one on the porch more aesthetically pleasing.

    Did you happen to search the Sterelite site just to see if they do make smaller totes w/wheels? Or even maybe another company that makes totes? Just a thought…

    Have fun with your “art project” this weekend!

    #38540 Report Abuse

    I have a question for you guys…

    I changed the litter to the Blue Buffalo walnut stuff, and at first he didn’t really want to use it, but gave in a few hours later and then hasn’t seemed to mind since (this was two nights ago). I’m noticing that since switching to this litter, he pees in really small amounts, like when he had his UTI.

    He did get locked in the roommates room all day one day, but he peed in her cloths, so I don’t really think he had to hold it long, if at all that day. He’s also been out side a few time and got hot to the point where he was panting (he really likes it out side….), but I made sure to extra water (on top of the water I already add) to his food after wards.

    So, I mean, there have been a *few* instances were he could have gotten a UTI, but I don’t really think it was enough to cause one (two play times outside with lots of water afterwards, and a day locked in a room where he found a place to pee anyways). My thought is its the new litter, and he’s sort of unsure about it. I just noticed last night that he was peeing in small amounts, and thats the night after I started using this litter. Since then, I’ve been adding lots of water to his food. Like, he’ll lap all the water up, eat some of the food, then leave, and I’ll sneak in and add some more water before he comes back. And I’ve started back feeding him smaller meals (so that he has more chances to get water in while eating). How long is it ok to let this go on before going to the vet? I know cats don’t like drastic changes in their litter, and some are just spoiled rotten when it comes to adjusting, but if it is a UTI again, I want to get it taken care of as soon as possible.

    And I know some people said fish water to get him to drink. I don’t really want to do anything with fish, so can I do, like, chicken broth, or beef broth, or something? Its the same idea, and less smelly, right? lol I’m also still looking for a fountain waterer, but he didn’t seem to thrilled about the running sink water, so I don’t really think he’d go for a fountain…

    *side note: I hate this litter and once this stuff is gone, I’m not going back! My room smells like coffee and cat pee!!*

    #38542 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Other than observing smaller amounts, does he show signs of a UTI such as straining during urination, pain, meowing during urination, blood in urine, not urinating as often such as going once aday instead of usual amount of times?

    #38543 Report Abuse

    No, but he didn’t the first time around either (other than some blood, which even if he did now, I wouldn’t be able to see in this new litter since its brown). I pulled about three or four balls from the litter pan last night, which is about how often he usually goes, just its usually about 4 times more. The night before I changed the litter, he had normal amounts of pee, which is why I think its more just him being a cry baby about this new walnut crap.

    #38544 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    On making the flavored H2O, I would try making flavored H2O out of anything that is good for cats, but I wouldn’t feed my cat a canned broth due to the ingredients or broth made from a boullion cube for example.

    I would and do make bone broths for my animals out of whatever meat goes on sale at the grocery store. I brew my recipe for 24 hours in a crock-pot which my family gets mad about because I am cooking for my pets not them. lol

    I am not sure if you like to cook, but you could get some meat (ground, boneless, or with bones), bake it or fry it lightly, and make some flavored H2O from that. I freeze the extra broth I make in icecube trays then put the frozen cubes in a zip lock bag for later.

    I would imagine you could also find canned meat like chicken (in the aisle with canned tuna) to make flavored H2O as well. Just read the labels to make sure there isn’t any bad ingredients inside!

    #38545 Report Abuse

    Just so we are on the same page, what ingredients should I be avoiding?

    How much meat to water do you use for your kitty meat-water? That seems cheaper than draining canned meats. lol

    What are your thoughts on the litter and peeing situation? I haven’t checked the box tonight yet, but I’ll report on that when I do.

    #38547 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    It might be in his best interest just to switch back to the clumping litter. If he is holding it and going to the bathroom at the last minute possible because he doesn’t like it, it will just make him sick which will end up being another Vet visit.

    My best advice to give you is to watch him with an eagle eye. Keep adding H2O to his food and figure out a way to make some flavored H2O out of ingredients that you feel good feeding him. Maybe the litter (I’ve never used it) clumps differently, more compact, than clay litter also making it appear smaller.

    Trust your gut, take him to the Vet if you feel it is necessary. Catching a UTI early is the best for both of you.

    What’s the temp where you live?

    #38550 Report Abuse

    It is clumping, but its soft and fluffy. Way different than clay litter. It’s *supposed* to last much longer and have no smells (a month!), but god does it lie! Nasty nasty nasty! It also doesn’t clump as strongly as it would have you to believe, either… It’s basically, from what i can gather, just BB’s version of Worlds Best, and made out of walnut shells rather than corn. I didn’t think about it being more ‘compact’. Hmmm….. I wonder it I mixed some clay litter in there and see what happened…

    Its in the 80’s and 90’s now and he never wants to go back in. I have to pick him up (and he turns into Jello when I do lol), and take him inside. I bring him in as soon as I hear him start panting, which is after about 15 or 20 minutes. He won’t visit the shade at all, just likes to lay out in the grass and eat it, and hunt the squirrels from across the road.

    #38554 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    For canned meats avoid MSG, soy oil, and lots of sodium. You would want it to be packed in H2O with minimal ingredients listed on the label. And you would not need alot of canned meat. I know I listed a tuna water recipe for you on this thread somewhere (from catinfo) and I believe she used one can of tuna mixed with H2O.

    If you want to buy fresh meat what kind do you think you will use? Ground or whole? If you are looking for something simple I would get ground meat (you won’t need much) and lightly cook it in a frying pan.

    Let’s say lightly fry a 1/4 lb of lean ground meat. No other ingredients needed. When it is just cooked (maybe a little pink in color) take it off the burner and let it cool. When the meat is cool enough to touch, dab it with a paper towel to remove as much excess fat as possible. Then put it in a bowl big enough to add H2O to. At this point I would say how much water you add depends on how concentrated you want it to be.

    Lightly baking chicken or turkey (bone in or boneless) would be another option. You could also give canned wild caught Mackeral or Salmon (packed in H2O) a try. I know you don’t want to use fish (and good job steering clear of any fish by the way), but if it is temporary I don’t think it would hurt him.

    These are all just some ideas for you. I haven’t made kitty meat H2O, but I would make it for my kitties if I needed to quickly. As I wrote in the other reply I make a bone broth which takes 24 hours. I always have some in the freezer. Sometimes I make flavored H2O out of it, sometimes I give it to them full strength, and sometimes I just mix it in their food.

    #38559 Report Abuse

    I think you did. I’ll go back and see if I can’t find it.

    I think it would have to be pretty concentrated at first to get him to drink it. Do you think after a while i could like slowly ween him off meat-water, and have him start drinking normal water?

    I think the cheapest cuts of meat are beef marrow bones, pig knuckles, turkey necks (when we have them), and then whatever livers we have laying around (turkey, chicken, beef, calf). Some times certain cuts of lamb goes on sale really cheap, and beef for stew, and whatever else. And they can break cases, so I could get just like *one* chicken leg, or a 1/4 pound of beef, or whatever. I could certainly have fun with it.

    So I just cook the meat, then add it to a bowl of water, and let it sit? Sounds easy enough! How long should I let it sit, do you think?

    I’m not completely avoiding fish, but I don’t want him to have it on a regular basis. Some of his cans of Wellness have fish, but its worked out so that he only gets Wellness ever other day, and the fish ones about every other Wellness feeding. You should see how OCD-y I have the cat food cabinet arranged. It’s pretty sad LOL

    #38561 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    As far as the concentration goes, how long it should sit, I think it will depend on Roger’s taste. You could always separate the meat into smaller bowls and let it sit for different times and play around with how much H2O you add.

    I do think you will be able to ween him off of it.

    I would not use liver just because of the info below from catinfo.org:
    “I like to see liver in the diet but not as the first ingredient. Liver is high in vitamin A and D which can be overdosed. Liver only represents ~5% of a cat’s natural diet. Liver is cheap which is why it often appears first on the list in some diets.”

    Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition

    Here’s the tuna H2O recipe from catinfo:
    Tricks used to increase water consumption:

    water fountain

    flavored waters such as tuna water, chicken or beef broth, clam juice, lactose-free cat milk (CatSip), etc. – can be kept in covered (to prolong fresh smell and taste) ice cube trays

    add plain water to canned food – ~1 TBS per meal – or whatever amount your cat likes

    You can make your own tuna water by taking a can of tuna and adding 3 cups of water. Break up the tuna and let it sit for awhile (~15 minutes, give or take) and then pour the tuna water into covered ice cube trays.

    3 cups of water fills two 16-cube trays.

    After warming the flavored ice cubes to ‘mouse body’ temperature you can:

    add to canned food

    set out as a separate drink of water

    Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition

    I forgot about clam juice, thats another easy option.

    In case your interested, have a crock pot laying around, and can be home while it’s cooking, here’s a bone broth recipe for dogs you might be interested in. I make mine plain because most of my cats are finicky. I only add organic ACV with the mother, (you can buy it at Wal-Mart, some grocery stores, and of course healthfood stores) to it and a little, very little, salt.

    #38562 Report Abuse

    Cool, thanks!

    I’m watching the Food Channel, and got an idea. Could I simmer meat in some water and make his meat-water that way? Would it work that way with just meat and water and no seasonings? I guess that’s basically just boiling it lol

    Also, what can I do about cleaning his teeth? This canned food has got his teeth all dull and brown looking. I bought him some Blue Buffalo treats (they’re moist and have a chewy texture) but I don’t want to give them in any amount that’ll get his teeth clean because they’re full of grains and I’m worried about UTIs (though j doubt it’s enough to case a problem lol). What about a chicken wing or something every now and then? Or some stew cut beef or whatever?

    #38565 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I have to write that I am very cautious as to the treats I feed my guys. That was part of Bobby’s skin problem. Along with feeding canned Pedigree I was feeding bad treats. As soon as I stopped feeding them, his skin quickly improved. No more itchiness, redness, or foul odors! lol Poor little guy. I have been making bisquits here and there for Bobby, other than that I freeze the meat that comes off of the bones when I make the bone broth and use that for treats.

    As far as cleaning a cats teeth, I have been lucky and never had any issues. I gently remove any tarter with my finger nails when I do see it.

    I asked Shasta a question a few days ago about the raw food she wrote that she fed her cats. She mentioned it on one of the threads recently. We need to track her down and find out what she feeds and how it is working out for her. I wouldn’t mind trying raw meat with the bone, but I am also interested in a cut of meat for teeth cleaning without bone for my older kitty who’s teeth are a little questionable; he just lost one recently. Maybe she would have some recommendations for us.

    #38566 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Oh, I forgot to add, it sounds like whatever you are watching on the Food Channel is just another way to accomplish the same thing and will work just fine.

    I boil chicken (with the bone or without) to have around too. It’s another affordable option to have in the freezer for emergencies or treats. I usually put it in a crockpot on low for about six hours with just enough H2O to cover whatever I am cooking, no seasonings. I feed it to my cats as one of their meals a few times a week. The only thing to keep in mind is to skim off any fat when your concoction cools down.

    When I make my broth I put it in a ice tea pitcher and put it in the fridge over night. The fat is really easy to remove after that and then I pour into ice cube trays.

    #38567 Report Abuse

    He won’t let me near his teeth for long. I can get his lip up just long enough to take a quick peek at them, so brushing or anything like that is out of the question. When I got him, his teeth were all white and sparkly, but the lack of anything to chew and crunch on has dulled them considerably. I’m worried about his teeth rotting out from eating only mushy food ( most of his foods are pate style, and even the other styles are still really soft and don’t of anything to clean is teeth). He really likes to chew. Like, everything. My phone. Fingers. Plastic cases. Reusable bags. Toys. His brush. Shoes and shoe laces. I’ll try some gizzards and chicken wings I think.

    I was watching Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives :p Keeps me from late night snacking (surprisingly) lol. I think I’ll try cooking the meat in the crock pot with some water, and then letting to cool over night, and then diluting it down some more and freezing it. The dogs will love the fat, and we all know Haley could use some extra LOL (she’s doing good though).

    Now that I think about it, I may have to buy some ice cube trays at the dollar store…..

    Oh! And I cleaned the litter box a little bit ago, and there was considerably more pee in there tonight I think he’s just not too happy with the new litter. I’ll add some clay litter in there, and I’ll take the rest of this crap back. I don’t like it at all.

    #38568 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Well regardless of how his teeth looked when you got him, dry food would not have cleaned his teeth. How you are feeding him, which he needs particularily since he had a UTI, has done nothing but help him. If hard food cleaned teeth I would be in heaven eating pretzels every night before bed! lol He was probably was busy catching birds and mice before he moved in to your house. I hear they’re good for teeth! 😉

    Let me know how the chicken wings and gizzards go if you give it a try. I am going to look into feeding my cats some raw food soon in particular for dental health.

    #38571 Report Abuse

    That’s what I’m saying, he’s no had any bones and meat to gnaw on since I got him.

    I will! I’m also gunna make him some meat-water (omnomnomnom!). 🙂

    #38580 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    I’m also interested in feeding a little raw to my guys, dog and cats. I asked a few questions on the raw food forum a few days ago but nobody has responded yet. Please let us know how you make out with giving Roger/Gary a chix wing or chunk of stew beef. He’s a very lucky cat! And thanks for the comments about the BB litter, I’d been thinking of trying it. And you may reconsider a water fountain, my guys are not especially fond of the faucet either but they all love the ceramic fountain. I’m sure they drink more than they ever did from a plain water bowl. Were a little wary of it at first, I ended up unplugging it for a day til they got used to the look of it.

    #38586 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi Jakes mom:
    If you get any recommendations for feeding raw to your kitties, would you mind posting it on this thread? I won’t be switching to a complete raw diet since I don’t have the freezer space, but I have enough freezer space to accomodate a dog and five cats for a few meals each per week if they like it. I honestly haven’t taken the time to look into feeding raw to my kitties, but I always like reading about everyone’s experiences as well as any suggestions someone might have.

    I am going to see if Bobby likes turkey necks. He has beautiful teeth at four, but I would like to try and interest him in chewing bones. When I give him a bone the first thing he does is run off to bury it. He doesn’t even eat the fresh meat on it, he’s more interested in burying the bone than eating it. Maybe a turkey neck will be more appealing, who knows.

    C4c let me know about a website earlier this week, catsadored.com. We were discussing litter boxes earlier in this thread, don’t know if you read any of it. Anyway, this guy has an interesting suggestion for litter that he feels is comparable to “The World’s Best Cat Litter,” which I have never used so IDK. I think I am going to give it a try this summer just to try it. Check it out if you have time.

    I have been referring to your cat by Gary and Roger, sorry. Which one is it again?

    #38589 Report Abuse

    Jakes mom, I bought 5 chicken wings tonight, one for him to eat, and maybe one for Bentley to eat, then whatever’s left will be cooked for meat-water (omnomnomnomnom!).

    I did look at Pet Supermarket tonight on the way home, and the cheapest one was $20! Yikes! I can whip something up cheaper than that! I just might, too lol I’m gunna check other places and see what I can find.

    Stay away from that litter! I hate that stuff! LOL

    Bobby dog, it’s ok, I think it’s funny :p His license says Gary but I’m think about teaching to respond to Haru. We all call him Kitty anyways, so I might as well give him a name I’ll call him. He loves those Blue Buffalo treats so much, so I don’t think it’ll be hard. :p

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Akari_32.
    #38591 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    That’s funny. Someone dropped off a rooster in my neighborhood the end of last summer at an empty house next to mine. The house was being renovated and one of the workers wanted to take the chicken home and have him for dinner. Luckily he couldn’t catch him. I of course had to rescue him. I know nothing about chickens. I coaxed him through the woods (it took a week) with tomatos from my garden. At the end of the week he moved into my tool/garden shed. I tried my best to come up with a name for him. It never worked, I always ended up calling him Chicken. He answered to it too! When I called out to him he would come running to me then follow me around wherever I went in my yard.

    #38601 Report Abuse

    Once chickens know where food comes from, you can call them anything, but don’t call them late for dinner. Mine stand around waiting for me, if we don’t come out to feed on time. You don’t want chickens staring in your back door at you.

    #38628 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Have not seen any replies to my question on the raw forum, it’s been a week, I’m kind of surprised nobody’s posted anything yet. But if I see anything I’ll let you know.
    Akari, how did Kitty like his chix wing?

    #38633 Report Abuse

    I’m sorry jakes mom, what was your question?

    #38707 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    BCnut, I just had a couple of general questions. I don’t want to go to completely raw yet but wonder if it would be good to give Jake something raw now and then. Like a piece of chicken for supper instead of his kibble some days, or some stew beef or chix on top of his kibbles. He’s a beagle mix, healthy, 9 years old, 30ish pounds. Can I do the same for the cats? Can I just hand them a small chunk of meat or piece of a wing? And I read something about freezing for 2 weeks. Does everything need to be frozen before feeding?
    Akari, not up to your level of course, but I got a bag of Wellness treats and 2 big cans of Core for .98!

    #38713 Report Abuse

    Any raw is better than no raw. I know several people who don’t feed any raw except raw meaty bones 2 or 3 times a week for teeth, but they have notied improved coat too.

    If your cats will eat raw, it is definitely better for them to get some raw. Mine would not eat chunks, but I got some whole prey grinds from Hare Today that they will eat. They won’t eat more than about 1 oz. at a time each though, never a full meal, which is funny because they both hunt bunnies and eat them whole.

    #38718 Report Abuse

    Hi Bobby dog-
    Just an update on the litter box. I did it! I used a 30 gallon sterilite tote. Just used a jig saw to cut out opening. My husband had some sort of round saw thing to cut vent holes in the top. Viola! A nice spacious litter box. They used it right away so no more worries with that. The one issue, however is that the bottom is not totally smooth. There are some grooves in the bottom that makes it hard to scoop. So anyone looking to make one, try to find smooth bottom. Thanks for your help with this project, bobby dog. It’s a very inexpensive way to make a litter box for multiple and large cats.

    #38723 Report Abuse

    Hey guys!

    To answer your chicken wing questions, it went pretty bad LOL He didn’t really know what to do with it, so he went with the drag-and-throw-it-around-and-play-with-it option. So after a few minutes I took it away, rinsed off and threw it in the crock pot with the rest of them.

    I ended up with a lot more broth than I thought I would have, but it’s not like it won’t get used lol I went out and bought him a fountain bowl (30 damn dollars later, which made me have to borrow gas money from my savings account), and have tried EVERYTHING to get him to drink from it, but he won’t! I tried showing him the bowl, tried dipping my finger in there and rubbing it on his nose, tried bribing him with treats in and around the bowl. Even tried just shoving his face in it (probably not the best route LOL). I’m to the point now were just want to lock him up with nothing but the bowl (and his litter box), spike the bowl with a few more cubes of broth, and that’s all he gets the whole day until he decides to drink it. Any one have any other ideas? I left him with a treat stuck on the spout that flows down into the bowl. If he wants that treat, he has to get in that bowl and get it, and he has to get a taste of that water.

    He’s still peeing in small amounts, but it’s back up to the volume where it it usually it. Looks more like he’s passing the same amount of pee, just in smaller batches. I suppose it’s back to the vet Friday morning? I don’t have another $100 dollars! D: it’s not my fault this cat is a retard…. <.<

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