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Cat food recommendations

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  • #60356 Report Abuse

    Not sure if you all get emails from Dr. Becker or not. I received one today that included an interview with Dr. Lisa Pierson. The author of one of my favorite kitty sites.
    Sorry, not successful at posting link. Check it out at healthy pets dot mercola.com.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by crazy4cats.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by crazy4cats.
    #60359 Report Abuse

    The article today is about food fraud in dog and cat food. I don’t know how we people with dogs with allergies survive getting our dogs fed.

    #60703 Report Abuse

    Hey guys! I just bought Kitty three tubs of some sort of Natural Balance stewed cat food for Christmas. It’ll go in their (his and the dogs) stocking. They only had two different fish flavors, so it’s definitely just a treat, but I’m sure he’ll love it. He likes anything :p

    #61593 Report Abuse

    Guys, I’m very proud to that this psycho cat that would look for any excuse to get outside has come a long way. I went to take some trash out, and came back to find the wind had kept the door from closing, and both Bentley and Kitty in the door way, looking out.

    My first thought is that if I even so much as spook him, the cat is gunna bolt out past me, and I’ll be chasing both the retards down the street. It only takes a second for the cat to realize I’m back, so once he saw me, I gave him a firm “no!” and stooped down ready to catch him if he bolted. Instead he backed into the house, and walked back inside as I closed the door!

    So I scooped him, told him he was a very good boy, and gave him lots of love as we went into the kitchen, and I dumped a handful of his favorite G-Zee’s treats on the floor for him, which he promptly inhaled.

    I can’t believe he did not make a run for it as soon as he saw that door left open. OMG, that could have been bad. Ginger, of course, was passed out obliviously on the couch lol

    Also, he’s not liking his Authority Kitten food. He doesn’t finish it, and is not very quick to eat it. I guess I’ll give it to my friends cat. Or my aunt. I gave her kitten a can of it for Christmas. I’m sure they haven’t given it to him yet, but I’ll ask and see how he liked it if they did. Two foods on his list of no-no’s. I can’t believe it! Wellness Complete Health canned and Authority Kitten. This is the same cat that eats dust bunnies every time I sweep…

    #62285 Report Abuse

    Food for the next 72 days!


    The single 5.5 oz cans on the left are for raw in the morning and and a can at night. The rest of the meals are 3oz cans in the morning and 5.5 oz cans at night. Two funny combinations that’s happened during sorting:

    Wellness in the morning, 9Lives at night:


    And raw in the morning and Friskies Sausesations at night:


    I can’t decide which is worse LOL Only at my house…. Both of these are the last cans, Btw. I try to spread out the super junk as much as I can, that why I still have these. The rest of his food is good, though! Or at least decent for the most part lol

    Halo Impulse, Wellness, Authority Flaked Turkey, some sort of Blue Buffalo Healthy Gourmet, Newmans Own, Sheba, my two selected Friskies Special Diet and Fancy Feast varieties each. Oh, and some Insticnt Pride. I think there may be one more, but I’m not sure… lol

    #62311 Report Abuse

    Wow! Lucky kitty.

    #62313 Report Abuse

    Thank god for coupons and sales, that’s all I have to say! He’s actually starting to warm up to the 9Lives. Maybe it’s his new diet, and he’s just hungry enough to eat it with out fussing… Lol Still not a fan of the regular Wellness, though, but I still give him some every now and then. He likes the Duo’s and the purple cans, though. Still haven’t tried him on CORE, but something tells me he wouldn’t like it lol

    #62663 Report Abuse

    Hi All-
    Casper continues to do well on his prescription diet and anti-anxiety meds. :{. He does get 1/4 can of an Otc food as well with no consequences so far. I am also using the Feliway diffuser. Not sure if it is helping at all, but it hasn’t hurt. What the heck, it’s just money!
    I’m now wondering about my senior hyper-t’s mouth. She seems to be struggling a little more to eat now and her mouth smells a little. I don’t think she has any teeth left and I only give her canned food. Since she is 15, not sure if she would be able to go under anesthesia. Plus, not sure she has any teeth to clean anyway. Lol! She is extremely shy and barely lets anyone get near her except for me when I’m sitting or laying down. Has anyone had any luck with any type of food additive or something like that to clean up their kitties mouth?

    #62665 Report Abuse

    I have pretty good results with giving Ginger plain ol’ amoxicillin for her mouth. It’s free at most human pharmacies, but you obviously need a prescription for it first. I get it in a chewable pill for Ginger and she eats it rigt from my hand. I bet you could crush one up for your kitty and hide it in her canned food.

    They do make several water additives to clean teeth. Not sure if they’re just for dogs, or if they have some for cats too. May be worth a try. I’ve seen something like this at the vet I interned for.

    #62687 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Over the last few months I have been using gauze wrapped around my finger and coconut oil on my kitties to brush their teeth. Some are easier than others, but they are surprisingly are receptive. My oldest guys only tolerate a little at a time, it’s working so far because my Vet actually said their teeth look great when I took two of them in a few weeks ago. Normally he removes some tarter from their teeth. I was happy and I know they were. lol

    #62803 Report Abuse

    Thanks guys. I’ll start with the coconut oil to avoid anymore meds. Can I buy it at Walmart? I just don’t want to make her scared of me. I think I’ll put a little coconut oil on her food dish to see if she likes it. Then maybe she won’t mind me sticking it in her mouth as much.

    How do you get the prescription free? I’ve read your comment a few times to confirm that is what you really said. The water idea sounds good if it doesn’t throw them off and stop drinking it. They all drink out of the fountain regularly now. Especially the old gal with the bad teeth.

    #62813 Report Abuse

    Most antibiotics are free here. Probably because of all the old people? I don’t know. Too bad the cat doesn’t get the free ones when he gets UTIs lol Just ask your vet if they know of any human pharmacies that offer free or cheap antibiotics (or just ask the pharmacies).

    You can find coconut oil in the baking isle, usually. I guess there’s a certain kind you are supposed to get (cold refined, or something?) but I just get the cheapy stuff, LouAna. Something is better than nothing, and Bentley doesn’t like fish oil, so I don’t normally force it on him lol

    My cat started out liking it, and has now decided he hates it. Used to choose it over cat food! Now he won’t even eat food that it’s mixed In to. Dang cat…. LOL So try a small can first and if you can’t get them to set still while brushing their teeth with it, you can always give it to the dogs.

    If you buy that water additive stuff, let me know how it works! My pain the butt never used his fountain so I just took it down. No sense in paying for the pump to run for no reason. I do always leave a bowl out for him, though, and there are two dog bowls out as well, so if he really wants to drink, he can.

    #62824 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    My Wal-Mart sells Spectrum organic. Make sure you buy unrefined or virgin. The best deal is at Costco or Bj’s though. I think Costco sells “Better Body.”

    #62995 Report Abuse

    Yes, Costco has a great deal on it, but don’t want to buy such a huge amount just yet. Didn’t make it to Walmart yesterday. Just Petsmart, Kohl’s and Macy’s. Was tired of the crowds and came home. Maybe I’ll get there sometime this week. I bought a couple of cans of Dave’s restricted magnesium cat food and all my cats really liked it. I was thinking someone had mentioned at one time that it is probably canned by Evanger’s. Does anyone know? Still mostly feeding the prescription food, but slowly adding in some other as well. I’m actually a little worried about my other cats getting the other type of stones/crystals from feeding them the Rx food also. But, the vets say, no, that it is fine. Any thoughts?

    #62998 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I contacted Dave’s about a year ago and they wouldn’t disclose who they use to can their food. The last info I had was that they use several with Evanger’s being one of the co-packers.

    Not sure about if Rx food would affect the other kitties. I wouldn’t want to feed an Rx food if they didn’t need it, but I know you have other considerations as well.

    #63712 Report Abuse

    Been getting some kitty snuggles tonight :3


    I’m gunna try that gauze thing with him. His teeth are gross. He loves to chew things, so I wonder if those hard blocks of catnip are maybe worth a try? Something to chew on… PetSmart and Publix sell them for a couple dollars a piece.

    Oh! And Publix has all their Sundown Naturals vitamins 50% off so I grabbed two of these for just $10!


    I’m considering buying more lol I also bought three jars of fish oil pills for Haley and Dweezle for a couple dollars each :3

    #63741 Report Abuse

    He looks pretty comfy! Cats are so funny, aren’t they? I feel like a part of your family with all the pictures you post. Thank you! 🙂

    #63743 Report Abuse

    He LOVES to get tummy scratches lol I can’t keep all this cuteness to myself! Just be glad I don’t have a thread going for my leopard geckos or goldfish or oscars. Y’all would get some serious picture spam LOL

    #63863 Report Abuse

    Has anyone tried Hound and Gatos? And if so, is it pate or stewish style? And does the website say that and I overlooked it?

    #63867 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    “The Pate’ style products are All Meat with no hidden chemicalls for taste.” It’s towards the end of the product description. I thought I fed it before, but I was thinking of Lotus.


    #63930 Report Abuse

    Hi Everyone-

    Just thinking about changing my cat’s line up a bit. I was checking out the Tiki Cat canned food and noticed they have a new line. (at least I didn’t know about it) It is called the Gourmet Carnivore.

    Has anyone checked it out or tried it?

    #63934 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey C4C:
    I haven’t fed them, but checked them out before. These are recipes that I found to be a little lower in phosphorous:
    Beef & Liver
    Beef Liver & Lamb
    Beef Liver & Chicken
    Chicken & Liver
    Chicken with Turkey
    Chicken with Duck

    #63963 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    If anyone feeds Sheba, coupons.com has a $1 off 12 coupon, they also have Fancy Feast, and Beyond coupons too.

    #64729 Report Abuse

    Look guys, a catfish LOL


    Just got back from PetCo and picked up 5 free cans of Halo Vigor! Can’t wait to try it out on him. Also picked up a can of Natures Variety Pride. I still don’t think that stuff is very good because it’s all saucy, but it’s something different. PetSmart has it on clearance, so I pick up a can every now and then (they can’t seem to get rid of it lol). And the other day I got 10 cans of Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys, whatever three flavors don’t have fish in them. Only got those because I had b5g5 and $1 off 10 coupons, so I only paid a couple bucks for the lot. I definitely plan on going back for more Halo Vigor. It looks like a great food, and free makes it even better! Coupon lasts until 2/28 or something like that, so go check it out!

    #64735 Report Abuse

    Oh I’m gonna have to figure out photo bucket so I can share my “catfish” pictures. I have a couple of furry catfish in my tank. Yours is quite handsome. I received my Halo products today. I sure hope they like the canned food because I have a whole case! There is always the dogs who will be happy to take care of it if they don’t. Not sure what I was thinking other than 30% off! I might need to unsubscribe from Pet Flow. They send me too many enticing emails. I bought the Halo Pate canned food and a bag of their kibble also. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    #64744 Report Abuse

    Just to tell you how big he is, that’s a 10 gallon tank and he was still scrunched up in it LOL he’s a big boy, and is holding nicely at just over 13 pounds. Still getting 3 oz in the morning and 5.5 at night. Can’t believe I’ve landed myself with such a huge cat. Mom calls him a tiger, hahaha!

    Photobucket on the website sucks. I don’t do it anymore. I got the app (I think it was either free or $1.99) and it’s much easier.

    #64749 Report Abuse

    My boys are 14 and 16 pounds. The girls are 9 and 12 pounds. The 16 pound guy could lose a pound or two, though. I had a 50 gallon tank sitting empty for a while that they just couldn’t stay out of. I finally sold it and the fun was over. 🙁

    #64755 Report Abuse

    Cats are so weird lol We have to keep shipping boxes for days when we order something because as soon as it’s unpacked, the cats in it and he doesn’t leave it!

    #64786 Report Abuse

    We call those cat traps. We say “The cat traps are working.”

    #65153 Report Abuse

    Well, I’m just wondering why it is that when I buy a few cans of a new food for my cats and they really like it, that when I buy a whole case of it, they decide they don’t like it anymore? Does anyone have any answers? Please help me. LOL!

    #65154 Report Abuse

    I’m pretty sure they do it to you on purpose LOL

    #65155 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    My cats hold monthly meetings and vote on which foods to boycott next. 😉

    #65156 Report Abuse

    That’s funny, Bobby Dog! I’m glad mine doesn’t really get sick of any one food. Then again, he gets something different every single meal. Nothing two meals in a row, and hardly every even the same brand two meals in a row.

    Oh! Forgot to tell you guys! I’m going to be starting the cat on raw 🙂 Him and Bentley can be food buddies lol

    #65157 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    My cats get a different food & brand every meal too including some commercial raw thrown in. They just like giving me a hard time.

    Is the kitty going all raw or still some canned thrown in?

    #65344 Report Abuse

    Wow, I totally replied to this but it didn’t post lol Anyways, eventually I’ll go all raw, but for now I’ll do it a few times a week. I want to get me cat food stash down some before I get too serious. Then I’ll keep it on hand for when I go out of town.

    This morning it the first homemade raw meal for the kitty! I let him taste the organs and bones a couple nights ago while preparing it, and he actually loved all of it! I opted to feed on a plate, rather than his small stainless bowl, in hopes that he won’t drag it around. I’ll also lock the dogs up and feed him in the kitchen so if he does drag it around, at least it’s on the tile and not my carpet LOL

    This meal is about 3 oz, with some beef kidney, a small bit of chicken breast that apparently escaped the dogs meals, and a nice big chunk of thigh. Dinner will be another 3oz, and have the end of a wing, and I think I saw some chicken liver in there, and more thigh/leg meat.


    #65345 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Good luck! Funny thing, that is one type of food Bobby would not care if the cats had and he didn’t. I would imagine the only thing he would do is take it away and guard it so they couldn’t have, like a bratty child that won’t share their toys. lol That would be a pain if the cat dragged it everywhere. I hate cleaning for maintenance purposes alone, I would not be into disinfecting the kitchen floor everyday after feeding the cats, lol.

    #65346 Report Abuse

    He did really well with it, actually! I have a video uploading, and I’ll post is when it’s done 🙂 And he only dragged a couple small pieces on the floor, then ate off the plate. Good kitty :3

    #65347 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Awww, good kitty is right! 😉 I have one dragger. I even bought all the kitties new flat kitty dishes to eat from. He still drags! Oh well, what are ya gonna do…

    #65410 Report Abuse

    For some reason, Vimeo hates me. Never uploaded my video or anything. I’ll have to get on the computer and do it. Tonight’s dinner went well, and he really liked the little bit of chicken wing I gave him, and he hate his liver no problem! 🙂 back to canned tomorrow, and we’ll try again in a raw days.

    #65424 Report Abuse

    So I got a couple of the PetCo calendars and used all the free and bogo free coupons for donations. Only things I kept were both cans of Natural Balance dog food (got a buffalo and a venison), and a can of Ideal Balance poached salmon dog food for something to try out, and both Nutro Natural Choice tubs, both Natural Balance cat food pouches, and the two Natural Balance dog food rolls because I figured they would get squished with all the canned goods and bags of dog food (also did a puppy chow deal at Publix). Squished donations are never good lol

    Anyways, I tried out a pouch of the Natural Balance cat food this morning and I was pleasantly surprised at not only how calorie dense it is compared to other pouch foods (2 pouches per 5 pounds) but also at how nice and meaty it was. Not to mention, the cat loved it. After his bowl was empty, he proceded to lick any leftovers off the carpet! LOL

    Here’s a pic of it. Sorry it’s upside down. It’s right side up on my phone, so I guess photobucket had a bit of a heart attack? Lol


    #65425 Report Abuse

    Shinku liked those pouches. Until I bought a case of them…

    #65429 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey cat people, Pure Balance has rolled out their wet cat food line. They don’t have the label on the website and I don’t know the price. Be on the lookout at your Wal-Mart if you’re interested! 😉


    #65430 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    aqgt, your cat must be attending the monthly meeting my cats hold about which foods they aren’t going to eat anymore.

    Akari, I still have some of those pouches in my cabinet. They never really quite took to them, but I can mix it in with their pate’s sometimes. It does look hearty like a homemade stew. Very nice donation by the way!!!!! 🙂

    #65431 Report Abuse

    it’s getting a bit ridiculous really. So far the only thing she has eaten consistently is Earthborn’s Monteray Medley. The Harbor Harvest did well in testing, so I got a case, we’ll see how that pans out. My boss has 2 large cats so she gets a lot of filtering from me, lol.

    Tiki I guess does well, but everytime I’ve bought anything but the mixed packs, I don’t make it through the case.

    #65435 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Well your cat can’t complain your not trying out different foods! It is ridiculous, but I do love those fur balls. One of my pickiest is looking up at me now. I just wish they would remember when they were homeless and scrounging for any bit of food they could eat, lol.

    #65437 Report Abuse

    I occasionally try to remind her of that, but in general, she remains hateful of me and the dogs

    #65482 Report Abuse

    Hey Bobby Dog, I bought a can of the pure balance chicken and salmon cat tin today at Walmart. It was .94 and it’s 3.5 oz. I’ll see if my cat likes it in the morning.

    #65487 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    How does the recipe look ingredient wise? I was hoping for a little cheaper, but what can you do. Give us a review when you have time. Thanks!!!!

    #65501 Report Abuse

    I bought a couple today also. And yes, more expensive than I was hoping for as well. Shoot, the canned dog food is four times bigger and only 6 cents more. I don’t get it. It’s frustrating trying to feed cats a decent food on a budget. I’ll try it out in the morning. Oh and btw, they also had pure balance dry cat food that looked good too! Three or four different flavors.
    Oh, and another btw,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by crazy4cats.
    #65510 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Do you remember the prices and sizes of the kibble? What was your last btw? Boy oh boy everyone went to Wal-Mart today except me.

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