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Need any information on a dog food that has beef, bison, or goat, no potatoes…
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FREE 1lb Prime100 SPD Fresh Roll
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station companion on Acid Reflux
Pabloo Escabaros on Best Dog Chew toys or bones?
Dollie McCarrell on C.E.T. HEXTRA Chews by Virbac
Gerta Moret on Low Carb option
Gerta Moret on FREE 1lb Prime100 SPD Fresh Roll
Goody Goodrich on Badlands Ranch Superfood Complete
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Evans Shane on Badlands Ranch Superfood Complete
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Rachael Baum on Supplement recommendations for Cushing’s Disease?
Victor Renaud on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Emma Monty on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Mike Killion on symptoms worsen on hypoallergenic
Mozelle Koss on Your recommended brands
Mozelle Koss on Expiration on kibble question
Cat food recommendations
- This topic has 1,488 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
jiten M.
ParticipantHi Akari-
He seems to be doing better. But, I’m still worried as I can’t get him to drink much water or eat much canned.
I was worried about “tweaking” you out. I debated whether I was even going to write about it or not. But figured it was best that people know what can happen with their male fur babies. It is frustrating because I feed him canned at every meal and this still happened. He is a little more high strung than the others, especially around the dogs. I have read that, that can change their chemistry as well.
Does your vet want you to bring in a sample, or do they prefer to “retrieve” it themselves. I’ve heard pros and cons for both methods. Did your previous samples show an infection, crystals or both? Good thing that you are keeping tabs on it. That is all that you can do. Good luck!Akari_32
ParticipantI could never get a sample before, so i don’t know. Considering antibiotics cleared it up the first time, I would assume I was “just” an infection. They’d rather a sample be brought in, rather than doing a bladder tap. I’ve got him holed up in the bathroom with packing peanuts for a sample attempt. He didn’t eat much of his food, and he’s just laying around in the bathtub, not over interested in many things. I went in to go to the bathroom, and he picked his head up to look at me, then plopped back down. I don’t think he feels very well, on top of being stuck in the bathroom. He’d normally be putting up a fit and trying to claw out, but he’s just sitting in the tub.
So far no pee, either. Not sure if he’s just being stubourn, or what. I felt his tummy, and either his bladder or his stomach is full. Which ever one is up between the back ribs. Vet is in an hour and half, so hopefully I’ll get something by then!
Better safe than sorry, for sure! I’d rather know than not! And if it makes you feel any better, I can’t ever get my cat to drink đ
ParticipantOne vet recommended bringing in a sample, due to possibly the tap causing blood in the urine. Another vet recommended doing the bladder tap to avoid the sample being contaminated with bacteria from the litter box or however the sample is caught. Good luck, I’m thinking of you. Does he look like he is trying to pee, or licking himself down there? If he does end up having to be catheterized, please bring him to a facility that will keep him over night and be hooked up to an IV for 48 hours. I am so hoping, of course, that it won’t be the case. Dumb cats! đ Good luck.
ParticipantHe is peeing, just not a lot, and not in the “sample catcher” litter box. Last night I cleaned the littler box, and I checked it just now to see what all he had done, and found only one small clump, and one medium-ish sized clump, and some poop. That’s not as much as he normally does in a 12+ hour stretch, and definitely not enough for a cat fed only on canned food. I bagged my findings and I’ll be bring them with me. So far, no pee in the packing peanuts, though, and we have to leave in 20 minutes. I’ll also be bringing a can each of his food to see if the vet thinks maybe the food is the problem.
I hope I don’t have to leave him anywhere! I’ll be sad with out him, and my wallet will hate me forever *rolls eyes*
ParticipantMy wallet is beyond sad. But, I had to pay two different clinics because it wasn’t done correctly the first time. Maybe they can give him some fluids to get him flushed out. I’m so hoping for the best for you!
ParticipantAlright, vet is done! No pee sample, of course, but whatever. I brought his litter clumps, and different foods, and the vet didn’t seem to think anything was wrong with what I was giving him. Said to keep adding water, and gave him a can of Prescription Diet c/d Multicare Urinary Stress to see if he’d eat it, thinking it may be stress related, and some medicine to clear up any nasties that may be in there (Clavamox). He did say his bladder was pretty empty, so that’s good.
ParticipantThat is very good that his bladder is empty. Wheeew! Hopefully, your kitty will like the c/d. Mine, of course, did not. Sending good thoughts your way!
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
jakes mom
MemberC4C, yes, my guys drink clam juice on occasion. Not the best for them I’m sure but sometimes anything is better than nothing if they’re not feeling well and won’t eat/drink. I’ve also used meaty baby food (check ingred. for garlic/onions) watered down to a slurry.
Do you have a water fountain? I bought one last year and I’m glad I did. I’m sure my guys drink more than they used to.crazy4cats
ParticipantYes, I have a fountain and I think they all drink from it, but him. I went to our brand new Trader Joes last evening looking for clam juice, but they didn’t have any. I’ll keep looking. Today is his first day off meds. I hope he keeps peeing! I’m a litter box stalker now. Lol!
On another note.. I’m not sure if anyone shops at Petsmart, but they have started a thing where you can shop online and pick up your order at the store. You can actually order individual cans of food, not a whole case. There is no minimum amount and no shipping charges! You could order a couple of this and that and they fill it for you. Very slick, IMO.arwyru24
MemberMy younger cat cries a lot of the time when he uses the litter box…I first noticed it one day when I was cleaning at yhe shelter before I took him home and I was so freaked out about blockage or infection because sooo many male cats have that problem and have history of surgery and/or requiring special food. I am really fortunate to have a really excellent vet and took both cats in right away upon adoption because things are often missed in the shelter environment. By that time I was more freaked out because he kept doing it. The vet took a urinalysis (the plastic litter was a nightmare he was so upset about being locked in the extra bedroom with sparse amounts of strange litter that he ppooped in the closet) Anyway the long and short of it is that it seems to be behavioral he does tend to vocalize when he is hungry or wants me to wake up or is board. It also seems likely that it is stress related. The urinalysis showed the presence of a small amount of crystals but not at all representative of a problem or source of discomfort. So I was given instructions to add as much water to his diet as he will tolerate, to keep track of output via clump sizes and also to really pay attention to whether or not he cries only when he urinates. I noticed pretty quickly that sometimes he does it when he goes #1 sometimes #2 and many times not at all. I don’t have separate litter boxes for each cat but by scooping daily I can get a pretty good idea if things are normal. Its been 2 years now and he was just crying in the box last night which to be honest still gives me pause but he has never gone outside of his box his urinalysis is always normal and as long there are never an absence of large clumps and I heard him going last night as I was walking by their “bathroom” (a closet dedicated to litter box I just leave the door open a tiny crack and they let themselves in and out) and it was obviously a lot of output. It’s one of those things that I think it pays to have an abundance of caution about but I also feel extremely neurotic alot too. I just know that these things can really sneak up and I worry that I wont be paying attention and miss an important sign and wind up with an emergency I can’t afford.
Bobby dog
Glad Alec does not have a UTI and his bladder was empty! đC4c:
What, TJ’s doesn’t have clam juice? Say it ain’t so. Don’t know if this will help, but I sometimes buy clam juice from a liquor store (for my famous Bloody Mary’s). Maybe also check out canned minced or chopped clams for the juice they are packed in.Akari_32
ParticipantI’m glad too! However he must still be working on passing that bark he ate off the fire log. He puked all over the floor after we got home from the vet. To help butter him up, I’ll be using two small meals a day of mostly EVO (high in fat, should coat his insides pretty good– in theory at least) and I’ll give him some of the dogs fish oil at every meal. It’s marketed for dogs, but it shouldn’t hurt, right? He likes it better than coconut oil. And, since he’s not had any of the food I’ve planned out for him over the next couple days before, hopefully his poops will be softer while his tummy tries to figure out what to do with it, and should help dislodge whatever it is he’s eaten.
And just because: I was doing my homework at the kitchen table, and left for like 2 minutes to go to the bathroom, and came back to this:
Little chair thief…. Lol
Bobby dog
I am not sure about your theory on feeding high fat food since cats do well on moderate fat; especially with his current digestive issue. I would also research the kind of oil you are going to give Alec. There are certain oils that are high in fat soluble vitamins that can harm cats. Your plan may be fine, I would just make sure these changes would benefit rather than harm him since cats have very, very sensitive systems.And there is nothing like having a good chair thief in the house! đ
MemberTo move an object in the stomach/intestines, you feed bulk, not fat. Fat is digested and absorbed so it won’t act like lube all the way through, but bulk will widen the intestines as it passes and carry everything along with it that can be carried.
ParticipantMakes sense to me, BC!
So, I took Casper to a new vet yesterday because since he’s been off the meds, he is not peeing very well again. We are going to put him on a bladder spasm relaxer and an anti-anxiety pill. At least he takes pills extremely well. She recommended to keep him on the prescription food, of course. One thing she mentioned that she thought is helpful is a plug in diffuser called Feliway that sprays cat pheromones. They sell them at the clinic, so I thought I’d give it a try. What the heck! Until the receptionist told me it was $50. I quickly said never mind. But, I have seen them on Amazon for about half the price. Has anyone tried this product with their cats? Since Casper has been back and forth to the vet, the other cats are all growling and swatting at him. Now, he’s doing it back. Help! Just wondering if anyone else has any thoughts on this device. Thanks.
MemberThey work miracles for some cats and do nothing whatsoever for others. I sure wouldn’t want to pay full price for it unless it had a money back guarantee, but I would try it from Amazon.
jakes mom
MemberDrs FosterSmith has them on sale now, $25.19 for one. I used them when I moved last year and the cats seemed to be more comfortable than they were when I’d moved in 2006. They explored the new place sooner and ate better. Can’t swear it was because of the Feliway, tho.
MemberIn my experience, that’s about how it works. Totally freaked out cats don’t seem to notice, but hunkered down or hiding, mildly anxious cats seem to respond faster. Oh, and it doesn’t work if it isn’t actually in the room with the cat. I knew someone that wanted to try the Feliway, and they had a convenient place to put it in the family room. The problem was that the family room was the room the cat never went into, so it didn’t work.
ParticipantYou people are so good with ur kitties and I’m feeling bad. I’m the crazy lady with the 8 strays behind Subway. I’ve now had them all fixed, they have a 300 lb cat condo(had to make it heavy where no one would steal it) I feed them twice a day . I mix the canned and dry together and then at night we leave out the dry. I worry about them everyday because I live 10 miles from the subway so I don’t get to spend but an hour a day with manager loves cats so she feeds them when she gets to work every morning. We have a lot of delivery trucks so I’m constantly worrying. I wish I could find them inside homes but no one wants a cat.I’ve had offers from people to make them barn cats but I’m not going to do it. My vet says they are taken care of better than most of his other cat patients.I want to bring them home. They would still have to live outside but I have a 10 year old outside cat who fights any cat that comes in my yard.So all u sweet cat people please say a prayer for my sweet little rescues. Thanks for allowing me to vent.
MemberCats that are used to being outside are usually pretty savy and know about cars and trucks. Good food is what they need most, and you are providing that. Don’t worry about your babies, just enjoy them.
I live with cats that have to be kept separated. You really don’t want to do that. They are tricky and are always trying to get at each other. What a hassle!!!
ParticipantThank you BC nut. That is exactly what my husband said. I guess I’m just a worry wart!
MemberMe too!
ParticipantHey guys! Just popping in to say I tried the kitty on his first meal Halo Impulse Quail and Garden Greens and he loved it! It’s also very high in protein, with I love. I think that’s also making it very filling, because he chowed down on it for several minutes, took a break, went back, took a break, went back again, and now he’s on another break. But the way he digs in and runs back over to it says he loves the taste. I had only gotten 6 cans becaus I wasn’t sure how he’d like it, but I’m definitely going to check and see if the coupon is still good and get some more. For $0.79 cents a can, why not??
On a slightly related note, I bought two 4 packs of 9Lives because I had $0.80 off each pack coupons, and he totally hates it LOL Doesn’t eat it right away, and does not lick the bowl clean. You know it’s no good if the bowl doesn’t look as clean as when he started LOL Oh well, it was only a couple cents a can, and I needed some filler to even out the cost of the other foods. It’s not like he’s going to have it on a regular basis anyways, so he’s alowed to snooty about it :p He’s also not too thrilled about the Newmans Own I bought him. It’s got carageenan in it, and it’s pretty thick, so I think it’s the same deal as with Wellness. But whatever, that stuffs too expensive for what it is anyways– I can buy much better for $2 a can! Just got it cause I had coupons and it was on sale lol
MemberSomeone gave me cans of 9-Lives and none of my cats would even come close to eatig it. Personally, I thought it smelled a little too dead, if you know what I mean. It went to our local shelter.
ParticipantI didn’t think it smelled too bad, however I use a good amount of Friskies and that doesn’t smell overly good either, so I could just be used to cat food not smelling very appealing lol Let me tell you, though, Halo cat foods smell really good! And the Spots Stew has big chunks of veggies that he actually ATE! Totally crazy! Lol
MemberMy cats like a few of the Halo cans. If I happen to see a great deal on the new varieties at some point I will have to try them. My local pet store has a great deal on Instinct cans this month. .$1 off 5.5oz cat and $1.50 off 12 oz dog so the chicken cat varieties are $1.19 and the chicken and beef dog are $1.79. I’ve been stocking up. quite a few of the other proteins for the cats which are like 1.79 but am sticking mostly to the chicken and beef for the dog because he is the opposite of picky he has no food intolerances and this is actually the first he has had beef dog food.
9 lives does smell nasty but I have found in a shelter environment super supper and chicken dinner are two of the more universally accepted wet foods we could never have too much. Mind you we don’t get a huge supply and variety of high end canned food..but it is a really juicy pate it has some fish but isn’t too fishy and thats a winner for many cats. Anything that is chunks and gravy seem to be much less popular then pate. Especially 9 lives “beef” slices in gravy just looks awful they drink the gravy then leave the unnatural looking brown chunks. I call it soilent green.
ParticipantHi All you cat peeps!
Why, oh why, are they putting gravy in so much of the canned food. We can add a little water if we want to make it soupy. Cats don’t need that starchy gravy. Plus my senior kitty throws up if I give her any food with gravy. What are they thinking? LOL!
Here is update on Casper: He seems to be doing pretty well. He is on prescription canned and kibble. Unfortunately, I am feeding the vet canned to all my kitties because it is easier. I still give them a little regular kibble, however. I hope the prescription food does not have any negative affects on them. The vet said it is fine. I’m trying to be a litter box stalker, listening for a nice loud pee! LOL! It’s tough when you have multiple cats to know who does what. He is still on a muscle relaxer to help with the bladder spasms and an anti-anxiety pill. No wonder he’s more friendly now! I also bought the plug in Feliway diffuser. I can’t tell if it is helping or not, but I’ll use for about 3 months and then stop and see if there is any difference. This has all been very expensive and scary. I don’t want to go through it again!
I was feeding at least half canned if not more of his total calories, but he still blocked. I also have a water fountain that he drinks out of. So, I’m not sure why this happened. There are so many different theories. It could be related to his natural ph levels or anxiety. As a lesson to all: make sure you cats are getting plenty of moisture to keep them cleaned out! Also make sure they have access to an enticing clean litter box.
On another note, we had a terrible wind storm and a tree came down, luckily just missing our house, but taking out our fence. And… it sounds like we probably have critters under our house. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.
Hope everyone’s pre-holiday season goes well!
Participantarwyru24, here’s a $1 off any Halo item coupon, good for a couple more days đ
My guess on the gravy is its a cheap way to add bulk. I stay away from them because of all the carbs. Kitty still doesn’t drink water, so he doesn’t need any more help getting blocked up lol Those are the two I got, Super Supper and Chicken Dinner. They ranked the “best” on catinfo’s out dated list thing lol figured it’s only 8 cans out of like a billion, so it wouldn’t hurt.
Glad your baby is doing better! What food did your get give you? Mine gave me the Hills Prescription Diet for stress relief and urinary health. I don’t remember the letters. Maybe SO. Is that the urinary forumlas?? I dunno. Lol
Anyways, the cat liked it. Might be something to ask about for the next round.
Hey, just be glad you don’t have squirrels in your attic LOL been there, done that :p Is the insurance company going to pay for your fence? Well, maybe not, since it’s not your actual house…?
ParticipantI’m not sure, gonna call the insurance company today. It wasn’t our tree either. We’ll see what happens. We have power back now. So, that is good. I’m feeding Hills c/d and Purina u/r canned along with Royal Canin s/o kibble. The plan is to keep him on the vet canned for about 6 months and slowly swith to OTC canned depending on his urinalysis tests. I’ll probably feed the vet kibble forever if I can’t get him completely to canned food.
ParticipantHope they at least help with the expense! And no power sucks! Glad it’s back on.
CD, that’s what it is lol The Multicare is what we were given. Supposed to help reduce stress. My vet wasn’t so sure on the stress reliving part, but he said he hadn’t had enough customers trying it and reporting back to really know how well it works. But Hill’s wouldn’t release it if they hadn’t seen it doing what they say it does. I’m sure it’s more of a case-to-case thing though.
Have you tried talking to your vet about Friskies Special Diet? It’s not fantastic or anything, but at least it’s meat based and not full of carbs and crap. Not to mention much cheaper. Of course, if it would help at all would depend on what kind of problems your cat has.
ParticipantIt’s me again the crazy cat lady with the 8 rescues at our Subway. Lucy who has been fixed for about 2 months now is stressing me out. She limps on her back leg. Sometimes it even gives with her and she wobbles sideways. This happen during her surgery or from her vaccine shots. My vet says that sometime they will jerk their leg during surgery and it causes this. It looks like they got a nerve to me. I’ve had soo many cats fixed and this has never happened before. The female vet in his office fixed her. She’s a first year vet but spaying and neutering should be one of the easiest procedures to do. I am so upset she walks like she’s lame. These cats have a rough time as it is and now this. I am going to take her back and let him check her. Have any of you ever heard of this?
MemberWhen they spay, they tie their legs in position to keep the surgery site clear. If she pulled, it means she was still tied when she started to wake up and she pulled a muscle or sprained something. It should not be a nerve issue. Unfortunately, sprains in animals can take forever to heal because they aren’t resting it. If she struggled, she could have injured something in her knee or hip. I’m sorry she is going through this. You too.
ParticipantGood luck with your question, Bri! This something I’ve been wanting to try, but I simply don’t the money. My cat loves raw beef hearts, and any part of the chicken. I gave him a bit of thigh with a small bone the other night and he loved it! Wish there was something like See Spot Live Longer for cats. If there was, he’d be eating raw every day!
Any of you guys see the PetSmart Black Friday ad?? Friskies is going to be on sale for 39 cents a can!!!! I’ll be all over that, and I hope other foods are on sale, too. I hate to give him all Friskies, or even mostly Friskies, but it’s better than nothing with money as tight as it during the holidays, and I pick the best three of the recipes with the least carbs (Special Diet Beef and Chicken, Special Diet Turkey and Giblets, and Senior Diet Lamb and Rice). I actually don’t mind using the Special Diet because I am really paranoid about UTIs and all that bladder crap lol Gives me some peace of mind, though I have no idea if it actually works or not. So far this is the only store I’ll be hitting, unless I decide to go PetCo or Pet Supermarket. I don’t need any human things, other than the new Pokemon games coming on this friday, but someone can get me that for Christmas lol
ParticipantAlso, this cat is bad LOL
Bentley was pretty upset that he couldn’t get in on the action XD
ParticipantMy cats are pretty fascinated with my 20 gallon fish tank also and get on top of it quite often. I’m shocked they have not ended up in it yet!
Well, it’s been about a month already since my cat, Casper’s, blocked urinary tract emergency already. I can’t believe it! I’m still feeding mostly canned prescription canned food. I also feed him a little Royal Canin Rx kibble as well, as he is a crunchy addict. It took me months to get him to eat canned after adopting him from the shelter. Unfortunately, I’m feeding the other three mostly the prescription as well. But, they get a little regular kibble. They eat the Rx canned better than Casper. Which means they are all peeing twice as much as they used to. Somehow the food dilutes the urine and also makes them more thirsty, encouraging them to drink more. I probably need to add another litter box. (yuck)
He goes in tomorrow for a follow up urinalysis to see if his new food and drugs are keeping him clean and clear! It’s hard to keep track of who is doing what in the boxes, but when I do catch him in one, I listen for the sweet sound of rushing pee! LOL! So far so good. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow’s test results. I’m hoping to be able to switch to some regular food somewhere down the road. The prescription food is definitely more expensive than it should be considering the ingredients.
Our BDog hasn’t been on here much. I sure hope she’s not buried in snow!
ParticipantI think the Rx food has increased salt or something along those lines that makes them want to drink more water.
Glad they are all eating and doing well. Let us know how the check up goes tomorrow!
Mine’s not really into the fish. He just likes to be on top of things, and he discovered that he could balance on top of the gate and get up there LOL I’ve got a big 9-10 inch Jack Dempsey that he’ll get excited and pounce against the tank to try and play with the fish, but the fish just looks at him like he’s crazy LOL
ParticipantThanks, Akari, I have gotten some good feedback!
I actually just ordered some SSLL mix for my dogs, and decided to research Raw pre-mixes for cats, and found this:
Didn’t order any, I’m going to poke around and see if can find any reviews or experiences here with it first.Bobby dog
MemberHello All!
I have been busy and thank goodness no snow yet C4c! I’ve popped in here and there. I am behind on e-mail too. đC4c: Glad all is well with the felines. Hope the visit with Casper goes well!
I have looked into pre-mixes for cats, there are quite a few of them. I think the one that I liked was the Know Better Pet Food mixes. I really haven’t researched it much and without doing that I won’t try a premix for them. They are older and I don’t want to try anything new without knowing exactly what I am doing. They haven’t had any interest in raw meats in the past, but I wouldn’t mind cooking for them. When I have time I will research it one of these days… dog
MemberThis is the Know Better Pet Food raw pre-mix:, very cute pics of Alec!
Bobby dog
MemberHere’s another one I forgot about:
ParticipantHi Akari, if your friend does catch him, take to vets to see if he has a Micro Chipped…..Last year a cat turned up at my daughters house, so my daughter started to feed him, she named him, he become her cat, THEN she decide to take to vets to be desexed & booked him in, my daughter told the nurse at the vets that he just turned up on her back door & decided to stay, but he always wanted to go out of a night, she couldnt keep him in, he’d start whinging, crying making loud noises till he was let out, she thought if he gets desexed he’ll calm down, the nurse said I’ll just check & see if he has a Micro Chip & he was Micro Chipped & desexed…. my daughters heart sunk… the nurse rung the owner & the lady said his name was Jinx & he is 10months old & it was her daughters cat but her daughter has moved out & couldnt take him with her so she kept him but Jinx just wouldn’t stay home no more, she said that he’d disappear for weeks then come home eat & leave again for weeks, she lived about 15min walk from my daughter place… the vet nurse told the lady how Jinx has been living with another girl my daughter for the last 3 months, the lady said that my daughter can keep him & come & pick up his Micro Chip paper work so she can change his address…
Bobby dog
I think you need to look at the dates and read a little more of this thread.Susan
ParticipantOh, I just recieved an email this morning, when I clicked on the link it just took me to the first page, I didnt think to look at the dates…. He looks just like my Jimmy roo, big fat fluffy boy always into everything…I wish I could upload a photo of Jim, you would think it was the same cat…..
ParticipantLol Susan, you’re like 55 pages behind XD
Thanks for the links, Bobby Dog! I took your idea a step further, and searched for Oasis + on Google and found it for $15 cheaper, with $2 cheaper shipping. I’m extremely tempted to try it! The 1 lb tub makes about 130 servings. I may check back on Black Friday and see if they have any deals on it lol
Also check out this free sample! $2 s+h, but whatever! I ordered one :p
ParticipantHi Susan-
That’s funny! For some reason, this thread reverts to page one of this 55 page thread now. I’m glad to hear, however your daughter’s kitty has a good home.crazy4cats
ParticipantOk, the urinalysis results are in:
0 crystals
0 blood
0 bacteria
I am planning on staying with the vet food for at least a few more months. The clinic laughs at me because I rotate canned vet foods between Hills, Purina, and Iams. Then I feed Royal Canin kibble. Apparently most customer’s just stick with one food. Plus, he’ll be on anti-anxiety meds as well. I’m going to end up in them also if any of my pets have anymore emergencies!crazy4cats
ParticipantHere is a canned food chart that I found on a Feline Kidney Disease site. It is sorted by phosphorous, but it also contains protein, fat and carb percentages as well on many brands of canned food.
Maybe some of you will find this helpful.Bobby dog
MemberNice results!!! Bet you’re relieved he’s healing well.
Nice list C4c! I some how found my way to this site when I was researching information for my hyper-t kitty. One thing to be aware of is the list has info on food from the UK. I would suggest comparing US labels with this info to confirm the ingredients & percentages are similar.
ParticipantGlad the results came back good!
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
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