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Bone/Organ Replacement?

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  • #91338 Report Abuse

    Hey all! I’ve got some questions regarding bone replacement. I have an 8 month old Doberman mix who’s been on raw since he was 3 months old. He gets a mixture of Honest Kitchen Kindly base mix and a variety of raw meat grinds which contain organ, meat and bone. Our living/work situation does not permit me to feed him RBM’s as his entire diet so he gets them about once a week. I understand that many raw feeders think that BARF is the only way, but please understand that I’m not in a position to go that route.

    My problem is this: I currently buy most of my grinds from Ecopawz, a small SF based company (we live in Oakland!). I get a huge employee discount for working at a company that sells their products. My last day at this company is on Nov 22nd so I will no longer get the discount, which means a huge added cost every month! The prices are as follows for 5# of meat: $22.50 for beef, $17.50 for turkey, and $13.50 for chicken. I’m trying to brainstorm ways to lower the cost. Does anyone know of a company that sells grinds for dogs at a lower price? OR, is there a way I can supplement with grocery store bought meat with added bone nutrient (egg shells?) and organ meat? Anything helps here! My boy eats a TON of food so the cost is already high, which is ok with me. But I do need to slightly lower the cost, and I’m ready for any ideas you might have. Thanks!

    Sally & Jax

    #91405 Report Abuse

    Hi Sally & Jax
    Do you have a big freezer? stock up on the meat your getting at the moment that your getting a discount on…
    I often see people post a company called “Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow”
    Cause I’ve answered your post it will get bumped back up.. someone may know other cheap companies..

    #91416 Report Abuse

    Hi Sally Z,

    I am not sure how much cheaper you want to get when feeding raw meat to your dog. Eventually the cheaper you go the less quality and safety you get.

    Nothing wrong with store bought meat or poultry. I feed that to my dog but I COOK it first. Nothing wrong with feeding your dogs cooked protein. As long you you add the necessary supplements afterwards to balance it on a weekly basis.. I have discovered that feeding cook food is cheaper than feeding my pup raw. Supermarkets always have sales on fish, turkey, pork, and chicken.

    Heck I am now feeding my pup raw food once a week out of the month and the other weeks I feed him cooked proteins.

    Anyway in regards to bone replacement you can use eggshells, calcium seaweed (found on Amazon-the bottle lasts for months cost is less than $20), bone meal powder (found on amazon just make sure it does not have added vitamins.

    Organ is cheap to find at supermarket just slighlty braise them to kill any bacteria. Or what I like to do at times is I make liver and organ treats by putting them in a dehydrator.

    Or you can buy pre-made dehydrated organ and liver treats online. Just make sure they are 100 made in America and are organic free range.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Cannoli. Reason: added more context
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Cannoli. Reason: typo
    #91443 Report Abuse

    Susan- YES! I do plan to buy a ton of my current raw and make it last for as long as possible! And thank you for the suggestion, I will check out that website!

    Cannoli- I know that raw is expensive no matter the route, I’m just looking for the cheapest-still-good-quality options. I don’t think I’ll switch to cooked any time soon, but thank you for that suggestion. Jax had lots of GI issues as a young puppy and the only option I’ve tried that’s been successful is raw. For a free dog, he’s ended up being very expensive 😉 I was mostly just curious if anyone has had success supplementing their raw with grocery store meat, with added calcium (since grocery store meat doesn’t contain ground bone for obvious reasons). Thank you so much for your help nonetheless!

    #91448 Report Abuse

    Are you in a raw feeding co-op? You can buy bulk from Greentripe.com in California and pay the wholesale price. A meat grinder (i have a 1 hp Weston grinder) can be helpful as well and will pay itself off. You can buy whole turkeys after thanksgiving for real cheap and make your own grinds. Bulk chicken quarters are frequently on sale as well. Asian stores have various organs and necks and feet. You can add chicken necks to make up the bone portion in a meal of muscle meat. Or feed a chicken leg or wings a couple times a week.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by pugmomsandy.
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