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Big Dog Natural Dog Food

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  • #48646 Report Abuse

    Nancy C. mentioned Big Dog Natural dog food. I’m wondering if anyone has heard of it or has an experience with this food.

    I would also like Mike and the others to put it on their list of foods to review. I know your list of to do’s is long but if you could add this one I’d appreciate it. As always, thanks guys for all you do for us. Their web site is bigdognatural.com

    #48656 Report Abuse
    Nancy C

    Hey – Thank you. This is Nancy C. I was inquiring bec a highly regarded Homeopathic Vet recommends DARWIN and Bid Dog Natural food for those people who are not going to feed raw implemented with the extra nutrients which he lists on his website. The homeopathic vet is very meticulous, but I could not figure out WHY it is not reviewed here.
    Thank you!

    #48658 Report Abuse

    Nancy C. Your quite welcome. I’m always thrilled when there’s a possibility of a new quality food we can feed our dogs. As you remember, I feed raw to all my girls but sometimes it would be nice to be out of the house and not have to panic to get home for their p.m. meal. Hubby doesn’t thrill to the idea of having to handle raw food. He doesn’t mind the dehydrated that he just has to add water and wait the appropriate time but that’s pretty much his contribution to feeding time dogs and humans alike.

    Don’t know when Mike will get to review this food but maybe some of the others will chime in.

    #48666 Report Abuse

    There is a thread here in the forum about this already. There used to be a review on this food, but Dr. Mike removed it. Not sure if that is revealed why in this thread or not…


    #48668 Report Abuse

    I recall a conversation with someone from the company quite some time ago on the review side. The conversation took a strange sort of turn if I recall correctly, but that was a long time ago and I don’t recall the details. I do know that we were asking some questions about the NA and the answers we were getting didn’t add up.


    #48669 Report Abuse

    I remember that too Betsy. I think two people were on there from that company and they were side-stepping the questions being asked of them…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Cyndi.
    #48674 Report Abuse

    Darn it! When Nancy mentioned the food and I didn’t see a review for it, I was hoping it was something new and wonderful. I guess it’s something old and not too wonderful if Mike went so far as to remove it from reviews. Oh well, back to the search for foods that the girls can eat and that my hubby won’t get “icked out” about having to touch it! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Betsy and Cyndi for having good memories.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Dori.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Dori.
    #48690 Report Abuse

    I still have a case of it use up. I use it as a topper, not a sole diet. It rehydrates well and mixes well. I bought it before the controversy but like it.

    #94994 Report Abuse
    amanda p

    Has anyone heard news on Big Dog Natural? I know these are old posts but the company is still out there and I purchased some for my dog. I SEE THIS ON THEIR WEDSITE guaranteed analysis and ingredients and Ca/P 1.56:1 and a list of ingredients. Just wondering why its not reviewed and if its ok to feed everyday. Thanks for any input

    #95097 Report Abuse
    Z B

    I don’t know if it is ok to feed everyday , but my dogs, even my dogs that will eat anything, refused it.

    #95133 Report Abuse

    I have used, I do not really like, my dog stopped eating. At first liked but then no more.

    #95164 Report Abuse
    amanda p

    My dog likes it but not Im trying to figure out the fat to protein ration. The label is hard to understand. I know Dr Mike says Raw food companies don’t always get this right and to much fat could cause skeleton issues later in life. My 1yr adopted pitty already has a swing in her walk and slightly bull-legged. Just wondering if there anyone has really analyzed it.

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