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AVMA Anti-Raw Resolution

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  • #10185 Report Abuse
    Mike Sagman

    In August 2012, the American Veterinary Medical Association passed a resolution recommending against the feeding of raw and uncooked food to cats and dogs. Some believe that “going raw” is the ideal way to feed a pet. Yet others worry the feeding method is medically unsafe for pets and their human families. How do YOU feel about raw diets for cats and dogs?

    #10358 Report Abuse

    I think it is the best way to feed out pets. No filler and everything they need for a species appropriate diet.

    #10368 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I feel that it’s the healthiest and most natural way for a dog to eat. All my dogs love raw and are thriving!




    #10369 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom
    #10448 Report Abuse

    Even though I only feed a pre made raw for one meal, I do think it’s the best way to feed dogs. I can’t comment for cats because even though JohnandChristo has a cute little one, I just don’t do kitties. One day, I will take the plunge and try “real” raw.

    #10464 Report Abuse

    Great photos HDM. They are beautiful!

    #10472 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Thanks Alexandra! 🙂

    #10663 Report Abuse

    Raw is the best diet possible as long as it supplies all the nutrients necessary for optimal health.. Can be disasterous if deficient in even one nutrient. One can follow recipes, buy commercial or add premixes to ensure the diet is adequate if concerned.

    Precautions can be taken to address bacterial contamination. However many of us don’t think some bacterial contamination is a threat to a healthy dog or a dog with a strong immune system (like my 6 1/2 year old dog born with kidney disease). For those concerned though 1. probiotics can be fed regularly 2. meats can be purchased whole (like a roast) and cubed instead of fed ground 3. Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, garlic etc can be added to the diet to kill bad bacteria if any is on the meat.

    HDM, I agree with Alexandra :)… I just want to scoop Mabel up and give her squishy hugs til she makes me stop…….

    #10665 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Shawna – you’re certainly welcome to scoop her up and while you’re at it take her right on home with you! 😉

    That’s about the point I’m at with all her ripping and tearing – I can’t turn my back on her for a minute lol!

    #10666 Report Abuse

    I only want to kiss her ears… a LOT!!

    #10669 Report Abuse

    HDM ~~ most of the dogs I foster are puppies. I had one I was particularly taken by. He was part Boston Terrier, part some type of Bully breed and his DNA test said part Dalmation?.. He and his mommy came to me when he was just 4 days old (eyes still closed)… Raising him from such a tender age and being part Bully he could do no wrong in my eyes :).. (He looked like a Bully with his square head and major brindling.)

    We made a 4 foot by 4 foot enclosure out of 2x4s and plastic chicken wire for the puppies that gave them plenty of space for a kennel, a doggy bed, a potty pad and a water dish. We kept them here while we were gone at work. Not one puppy ever damaged the enclosure til this little guy (must have been at least 15-20 before him). Came home one day and his mommy was in the enclosure and he was running around my bedroom floor being as naughty as puppies can be.. Upon closer inspection, he had chewed a hole in the plastic fencing large enough for his body to get through (he was still TINY at the time).. All I could do was laugh…

    Although my little man, and all the puppies, were often mischeivous, it was the adult puppy mill breed dogs that were the most destructive. The bite strength of an adult, in puppy learning mode.. Say goodbye to a $50 pair of shoes due to one 5 year old male, couch and lawn furniture cushions/pillows due to a 6 year old female, mentioned the lamp that a 2 year old female ate in another forum, same 2 year old used my wooden headboard as a chew toy etc.. Add my grandbabies to the mix, there isn’t much in my house that doens’t need to be replaced… 🙂

    I’d surely take Miss Mabel. However after feeding her for a week I’m sure I’d find a way to get her back to you.. I’m bettin she eats as much or more than all of mine combined!!!!!!!!!

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