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Anyone Use Generic Capstar? Experiences? Recommendations? Safe?

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  • #69013 Report Abuse
    Christie L

    Hey guys, my one and a half year old pup had fleas back in October – what a nightmare. I thankfully was able to successfully get rid of them after a lot of vaccuming, spraying, bathing, as well as giving her Capstar during the end of our flea battle. I was iffy at first about giving her a pill, but did a lot of research as well as spoke to our vet about it who said there shouldn’t be any side effects. I felt capstar was the perfect way to ensure the fleas were completely gone especially after days full of vaccuming every inch of the house.

    During my research, I read about some dog owners who would occasionally give their dog capstar on days they feel their pup may have interacted with another pup that has fleas. I figured this was smart as long as not given in excess … Great preventative strategy … I do give my dog a topical treaTment every month… I gave it to her last month and this month we put it off a few days as she was getting groomed … Not even realizing, I took her to the dog park a few days ago – as soon as we got there I realized I didn’t give it to her yet. I gave it to her as soon as we got home, but I’m still nervous. She’s been itching a little (although we think it’s because she felt the topical treatment on her)…

    Anyway my question here…..I plan to order capstar for her, but I seen a generic version on amazon and ebay that’s a lotttt cheaper than the regular one. I wanted to see if anyone had experience with using this or knows any info? I couldn’t find much information online – honestly it’s not worth saving $15 for my dog to get sick, but then I think about how there are generic versions to front line that are fine – so maybe people just don’t know about the generic capstar? Or maybe there’s a reason they don’t? Lol. It would be nice to keep a steady supply for “flea scare” days …

    Here’s the links to what I found:

    10 Capsules 57 mg Nitenpyram Flea Killing Flea Killer Flea Control capsules for large Dogs 25-125 lbs FREE SHIPPING. Compare to the active ingredient in Capstar.


    Any input is greatly appreciated! Sorry for the long post! And if anyone ever needs advice on getting rid of fleas, feel free to ask me or contact me cause I’ve become an expert in that area!

    #69056 Report Abuse

    I don’t have experience with the one you posted, but I do have experience with the one from LittleCityDogs.com. I learned about it from reputable rescue groups I work with and when they gave me some for the puppies I was fostering at the time it worked wonders. I buy their generic Capstar and monthly preventative. I open the capsule and sprinkle it on my dogs’ food. It’s gentle and I have never had issues.

    There was some heat on them (from the big companies) for their use of using “the same ingredient as Capstar/Program” on their products but that’s all it was. They changed the wording and are good to go.

    #76566 Report Abuse
    Alan L

    Hi: I’ve been buying Nitenpyram from a company called Animal Lovers House LLC on Amazon since last year for my two dogs and a cat. I used to buy brand name flea control products but with three pets it got too expensive so I decided to try Nitenpyram. I tried a couple brands but I didn’t like them. Then I tried the Nitenpyram from Animal Lovers House LLC. They worked great and cost less than half what I was paying! The fleas just start to fall off dead. This product is easy to use because it comes in a capsule that I can open and mix with food, which is especially important for my cat. Last week, I went to place another order on Amazon and was shocked when I couldn’t find Animal Lovers House LLC’s Nitenpyram products or any other Nitenpyram product. Fortunately, I was able to find them online at animallovershousellc.net. It looks like they have another .com site too but the .net is definitely easier to use. I made my purchase directly from them and just like when I bought at Amazon, my purchase shipped the next day and arrived quickly, same packaging, same factory sealed vials as before. I definitely recommend purchasing from them.

    #77321 Report Abuse
    Jessie P

    I’ve been using the Guardian brand Nitenpyram for the last year. They have 4 flavors and they work just as well as capstar or little city dogs in my opinion. They also have Lufenuron and Nitenpyram and Lufenuron combo in a pill. I havent ordered the Lufenuron combo but my little guys do real well on the their 11.4mg nitenpyram pill. Had a few friends order and one of the orders was lost and they replaced it fast. Highly recommend now that Amazon has shilled themselves out to novartis.

    #100580 Report Abuse
    Michael M

    Amazon has gotten too expensive since they started kicking out all the little guys. Even eBay can be bad, but not as much. I recently got the generic nitenpyram from Happy Pet Labs. It seems to also work just as well as the big brands. I bought this one here: https://happypetlabs.com/collections/flea-medicine-for-flea-control/products/nitenpyram-12mg-for-cats-and-dogs

    They also had one for bigger dogs. https://happypetlabs.com/collections/flea-medicine-for-flea-control/products/nitenpyram-57mg-for-cats-and-dogs

    I also like LCD’s products, their lufenuron is excellent. But yeah, it seems like any of these should do.

    #100647 Report Abuse
    Marie P

    I was buying that brand from Amazon a few years ago. Now I try to go all Natural. Here is the Natural Flea collar recipe I use. Works great if your dog is not a DEEP woods hiker.. Perfect for the dog who is yard bound… SEE here http://bulldogvitamins.blogspot.com/2017/05/dog-flea-spray-recipe-fleas-and.html

    #111432 Report Abuse
    Donna C

    I have had great luck with oral Comfortis. Please check out this site:


    I am saving half of what my local vet wants.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Donna C.
    #142242 Report Abuse

    Get a flea comb from a pet store. Run it through the fur on his belly, base of his tail, and under the neck and face area. Fleas love all those areas. The comb will pull any adults out and that’ll tell u if she has fleas or not.

    #142245 Report Abuse

    Give him a good bath with a mild dog shampoo then take him to the vet.

    Even if you find no fleas, if your dog has a flea allergy just 1 flea bite could cause an extreme reaction.

    Do you have carpeting? Get it professionally cleaned (at the least). Maybe removed. Have the house/apartment fumigated if need be.

    Talk to your vet, use preventives, there are many to pick from depending on your location and the severity of the problem.

    Don’t let the dog suffer, get professional advice (not the internet).

    #196978 Report Abuse
    S A

    Anyone reading this post now or years later please do not use Amazon to purchase products like this for your pet. I purchased a fake Seresto collar off Amazon that could have harmed my dog. Go to your vet or PetSmart only buy from reputable sellers. Amazon has many fake products that can harm your animals

    #196979 Report Abuse
    S A

    Ebay not amazon!!! Im so sorry!! But still id only buy from your vet or pensatore to be safe…cheaper is not better when it comes to safety

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