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A question about Raw diet and bones.

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  • #105308 Report Abuse
    Joseph S

    I was looking at a $2500 (after spending $800) estimate for a vet bill to save my sweetheart Luna. I did a weekends worth of research and decided to put my dogs on a BARF diet. A month and a half later Luna is about 100% better. And all 3 of my dogs are acting about 200% happier. But I have a question about my pitbull Roar, when I feed them bones Luna and Precious chew on them for about an hour. But Roar chomps his bone down in about 2 minutes. There doesn’t seem to be any negative effects, only a little sad as he looks at Luna and Precious while they chew on their bones. My question is, could him chewing up the bones so fast potentially be unhealthy?

    #105309 Report Abuse
    Joseph S

    To clarify the bones are about the size of my fist.

    #105310 Report Abuse

    You have fallen down the homeopathic rabbit hole (IMO)

    I hope you rethink your decision and return to the vet that examined your dogs and advised you.

    If you are at all receptive to science based veterinary medicine go here. http://skeptvet.com/Blog/2010/04/give-a-dog-a-bone-not-fda-warns-of-dangers-of-feeding-bones-to-dogs/

    #105311 Report Abuse

    Hi Joseph,
    its fine what Roar is doing, I have a English Staffy (in my photo) Patch & he’s a chomper all gone in under 1 minute this is how some dogs eat & it’s normal I’ve been told, in the wild they dont have all day to eat their kill they eat it as quick as they catch it before another wild dog comes along, same as our wild Dingoes in Australia they are fast eaters aswell…
    My Boxer female would have her meaty raw bone all day & slowly eat it same as her weekly treat pig nose or pig ear, she’d take around 2 days slowly chewing but my Staffy Patch its gone & he’s looking for more, I can’t give Patch the pig ears or nose no more, he chews chews & swollows the pig nose, so instead he gets “Kangaroo Tendons” its the strong Achillies Tendon in the back of the Kangaroos strong back legs. Kangaroo Tendons are excellent for chompers & breeds like Staffys/Pit Bulls…High in Protein, High in Omega 3 Allergen free, no additives or preservitives…

    Are you on facebook Joseph? go onto “Rodney Habib” F/B page he has finally made his video’s after traveling around the world doing research this last year, link below.
    “The Truth about Pet Cancer” Episode 2 & 3 you’ll have to scroll down his page a bit for Episode 2 both video’s go for about 35-40mins, after watching you are going to be very happy you have changed your dogs onto a raw BARF diet, its the best thing you’ve done for them feeding a BARF diet & raw meaty bones it’s what their ment to eat…..

    It’s great you’ve got Luna all better, it just shows us raw works it’s what Dogs & Cats are ment to eat not this over processed dry crap they call healthy kibble, watch episode 3, it shows the University of Helsinki did a 15 yrs study & they proved raw is better to fed our dogs. https://www.facebook.com/rodneyhabib

    #105313 Report Abuse

    A raw diet is a very good diet for some dogs. If you have an Instagram check out flynnandace.eats. She has it private because of hateful fear mongering ppl such as anon above but just request and she’ll usually accept a few days later. She has four dogs on a raw whole prey diet. She mainly videos her two working breed shepherds on a whole prey diet. They eat whole rabbits sometimes. She’s had all four of her dogs on whole prey for a long time with only positive effects. Bones aren’t a scary thing if you feed the right kind. There are many accounts I follow that do whole prey raw diets and none of them had had any issues at all.

    #105314 Report Abuse

    That stared out thing is insta gram

    #105399 Report Abuse

    Hi Joseph,
    When I was a teen I saw a dog choke to death on a large bone. As an adult my friend’s dog suffered a serious abdomen infection because a raw bone shard penetrated the intestine. As Susan said it is normal for dogs to gulp their food but note she also said she doesn’t give her dog certain things because she recognizes it as not safe.

    You’ll have to decide what your comfort level is. Death from bone is natural but not what I’d choose for my dog.

    #105405 Report Abuse

    Don’t contradict what I say Aimee, I DONT give Patch Pig Noses & Pig Ears NO more, the pig nose & ear does NOT digest it’s leather….
    There’s a big different with a Pit Bulls mouth & small dogs mouth, a BIG diffrence.

    #105422 Report Abuse

    I’m sorry but I’m not understanding you. I said “she doesn’t give her dog certain things because she recognizes it as not safe.” The certain things being the pig ears and pig nose.
    and I agreed with you that some dogs are don’t chew a lot before swallowing.

    #105425 Report Abuse

    Wish we had a “like” button here, Aimee.


    #105426 Report Abuse

    Here is another “like” for you Aimee! You handled her response to you very well.

    #105428 Report Abuse

    Thanks to Inked Marie and crazy4cats. I appreciate you taking your time to comment.

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