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12 Year old Jack Russell Mix with Prostate Cancer

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  • #43635 Report Abuse
    Leslie R

    Can anyone recommend a good canned food with low fiber, high moisture content & low carbs? I do not want to feed him Rx diet E/N! Thanks for any help!!

    #43676 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi Leslie R:
    Canned food is high in moisture, maybe stews have a little more moisture than pate’? IDK Check out these brands: Wellness Core, Blue Buffalo Wilderness, By Nature 95%, Hound & Gatos, and EVO & EVO 95%. Some of these canned foods may not be supplemented with vitamins, they are only for supplemental feeding. I am not sure if they are what you are looking for, but they could be a place to start. Some canned foods that are low in carbs may be high in fat. You didn’t write what kind of health he is in, other than his diagnosis, so these may or may not be good for him depending on his current health condition.

    Also, I read the other suggestions you received about making homemade food for him. You could always look into feeding both homemade and canned as well.

    Here’s a DFA link about calculating carbs in dog food that may be helpful:
    I love JRT’s, good luck finding what he needs!

    #43690 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi again Leslie R:
    It was late last night when I posted my reply, ā€œSome of these canned foods may not be supplemented with vitamins, and they are only for supplemental feeding.ā€ I meant to write some of these canned foods may not be supplemented with vitamins and are labeled for intermittent feeding.

    I have fed prescription diets to several pets in the past. I have no problem with some prescription diets; those diets were life savers and improved their health. My Vet worked with me and our goal was to rehab them so they could resume eating what they normally eat. I believe it is important to think outside of the box when feeding ill pets. If he is doing well on a prescription diet, you may want to consider continuing to feed him one.

    Hereā€™s are some links to companies that can help formulate homemade or prescription diets for your pet. I have not personally used their services or know anyone who has, but maybe you can find some other options that can help your pup:

    You’ve Got Options








    #43707 Report Abuse
    Leslie R

    Thank you for all of your helpful suggestions.i’m starting to look into some of the links now. I’m sure that I’ll find something with all of this great info!

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