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This is my first time posting on this forum and I would greatly appreciate any insight provided on my problem. My fiance and I adopted a three year-old Tibetan Terrier last November. She’s blind and was likely abused in her last home. Almost immediately after adopting her we began to notice issues with incontinence, painful urination, inability to drain her bladder, etc. Fast forward to now, we have spent upwards of $3,000 in tests, surgery, x-rays and prescription food in the discovery and removal of her mixed (struvite/oxylate) bladder stones. After the surgery the vet recommended a permanent diet of Royal Canine SO wet food. Since her stones are mixed, there is no guarantee that they won’t come back, but the vet said this was the best preventative food to give her. However, the ingredients in this food are pretty crappy and I’d prefer to put Delilah on a natural, homemade diet. I’ve done some research on what foods would be best, but there is so much dissension when it comes to the topic (low protein- no HIGH protein, rice- NO rice, etc) that I’m a little lost. Has anyone else dealt with this situation before? Does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of homemade diet would be best for a little pup with mixed bladder stones? Any help would be MUCH appreciated!! đ Thank you!
My 4 year old Papillon, Bandit, has had recurrent problems with crystals (struvite) in his urine for the past nearly two years and had to have surgery to remove bladder stones a year ago. The two or three times a culture has been done the crystals that have been found were not bacterial based although I do think he’s had some urinary infections at times as well, he’s been on several rounds of antibiotics over this time frame. Anyway, after the surgery a few months later x rays showed small stones again beginning to form so I started him on Solid Gold’s berry blend twice a day over his Wellness CORE Oceanfish food. After about 6 weeks we did another x ray and the stones appeared to be dissolved so I thought the problem was solved. Recent urinalysis have shown he again has crystals in his urine however… though again not bacterial in nature according to the culture. Because of this my vet said it might be time to try the Science Diet C/D food….she knows I’ve been reluctant to do this and she was reluctant as well. In addition to my loathing of all things Science Diet Bandit also has a long list of food allergies (corn, chicken, eggs, rice, and wheat) of which two are in this food (chicken and corn). There has been a very short list of foods I’ve found that do not have these things in them, and I have worked hard for four years to get his allergies under control. I just didn’t feel like I had any choice but to try this, I can’t put him through surgery for stones repeatedly…my question is does anyone know of any better quality foods that are alternatives to Science Diet’s C/D for this problem? I can’t be the only one who has a dog with allergies that this is an issue for but I haven’t had much luck with my research thus far… There’s got to be some combination of nutrition levels I need to look for that C/D has that helps this specific issue…
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me!
Following treatment for a UTI (her first infection), my vet now says my 16 mo. old JRT mix has struvite crystals in her urine. She is recommending prescription dog food. Instead of the Rx food, I have changed my dog’s food to Hill’s Ideal Balance grain-free, and am adding 100% pure cranberry juice to her water as an incentive to drink. Is there anything else I should be doing? And am I doing the right thing in NOT giving her the Rx dog food? Vet says UTI is cleared up after treatment with antibiotics.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Topic: UTI infection in Dogs
My almost 3 year old Shi- Chon has been dealing with a UTI for 1 year. Two Vets later, and numerous Ultrasounds, Antibiotics, she had a Quarter Size Bladder Stone(Struvites) surgically removed, the Dr. still has her on Ciprofloxacin twice a day for the next 7 months, he also told me to put her on Cranberry D Mannose, due to her being prone to UTI’s. I have her on both now.
My Vet suggests that I put her on a Special Prescription food Diet , that only the Vets sell.
Everything that I have read says that Prescription diet dog foods only help to dissolve stones, they don’t prevent them, and if the dog is prone to UTI’s this special food won’t cure the problem.
I’m worried about the long term effect of Ciprofloxacin to my dog, he did say it was safe, but I’m not sold on that, just like the expensive Special Prescription Dog Food they want to sell me. Has anyone dealt with a situation similar to this?Topic: Treats & Bladder Stones
New member and thanks1 My 7 year old Beagle Honey recently had bladder surgery to remove hundreds of struvite bladder stones. Vet put her on Hill’s prescription WD food to help get her urine Ph to where it does not let the bacteria from her UTI feed and therefore produce the stones. I am trying to find a homemade treat recipe that will not negate the effects of her new food. I contacted Hill’s and they gave me two recipes making their food into a treat which is OK but I want to try dehydrated sweet potatoes, chicken jerky, etc but I am not a chemist and have no idea what I can use. The vet said the same thing. He has no degree in chemistry. Anyone out there in the same situation as Honey is and have a home recipe for this particular problem?
I have a chocolate Lab that has had numerous issues. I rescued her off of Craigslist in Oct. The person I got Karma from had her on Rachel Ray Noutrish. I switched her to Blue Buffalo Freedom for puppies (grain free) It all started in December with a big ear infection to both ears and small, red bumps on her abdomen last December. Diagnosis: chicken allergy. Switched to Natural Balance Potato and Fish with tuna and salt-free peas which she did fine on…for awhile. I noticed increased itchiness..she scratched and bit everywhere…no fleas. She also developed a UTI with struvite crystals so I switched to NB Potato and Rabbit. My vet suggested Hill’s Prescription for the crystals and UTI which I refused. The vet also states to stop giving her tuna and peas as the peas may have contributed to the pH problem. My baby has had 2 back to back UTI’s one with the crystals and one without. During the 2nd UTI I switched to Nutrisca Lamb and Chickpea (grain and potato free) and canned Lamb from Wellness as a topper (only in a.m.) She seems to be doing better although she still itches and bites her paws but it appears to go in spurts….. I’m wondering if it is enviromental allergies and not food. She has some eye goobers but I started using Ark Naturals Eyes So Bright and that has helped tremendously. She also was very flaking but that has almost gone away since starting her on Nutrisca. She is on Claritin/Benadryl/probiotic/salmon oil/liquid glucosamine and sometimes coconut oil. She is also on a cranberry extract for a urine pH of 9.
I have started to notice she is losing fur on the tips of her ears (just started last week). She has no ear infection that I can see. I had been cleaning 3x per week because they began to smell…now I am down to 1x per week
I use Richard’s Organics Incredible Skin Spray for the itchy areas and any hotspots. I also at times will rub in coconut oil
She has little red bumps on her belly which come and go….literally they are there in the morning and sometimes almost gone by night (could be the benadryl/claritin combo)
I have tried digestive enzymes twice (different brands) and she has vomited with both…not sure she can tolerate them…I’ve started slowly both times
I have to bring her back in for a re-check of her urine to see if the pH is down
Every dog food she has been on she has liked….she is not a picky eater (she even eats pills as if they were a treat)
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated and sorry it is longTopic: 2 different health problems
I have a schnauzer who has had panreatitis and is therefore on a very low fat veterinarian dogfood however has just had struvite crystals removed from his bladder. Although there is a food to decrease his chances of getting further stones, it is quite high in fat. Any suggestions with respect to diet?
Topic: Struvite Crystals
My mini Aussie has been diagnosed with struvite crystals. She is 9 months old. Vet prescribed Royan Canin Urinary SO dry dog food and my dog only ate it for a few days and then refused to eat it. Vet then gave me the canned dog food and she does like it much better. However, I’m struggling with the fact that she’s on canned dog food and the only alternative dry food I know of is Hills Science Diet urinary food. I’ve heard that just increasing water intake and occasionally feeding canned food is acceptable. My only worry is if she does develop stones, this will require surgery. I’m avoiding this at ALL costs even if it does mean feeding her a lower quality of food. I’m at a loss and don’t know what to believe. The vet says one thing and many internet forums say other things. I want to listen to my vet, but does my dog REALLY need to be on prescription dog food forever to avoid further bladder issues. Help! Thanks in advance.
Topic: Looking for food advice
Our 6 year old pug has a history of struvite bladder stones and following surgery to remove them she spent a year on Canine C/D. She recently developed a UTI and while diagnosing that the vet found that she had stones again. He put her on antibiotics and Canine S/D (to try to dissolve the stones). When the lab tests came back they showed that the stones were actually calcium oxalate and therefore could not be dissolved. By then she was fully on the S/D food (which she loved). The following day she started vomiting, became lethargic and shows signs of severe distress.
The diagnosis was pancreatitis, triggered by the high fat content of the S/D food.
5 days (and many $$$$ later) she is slowly recovering and we need to find a food that is low in fat (< 10%) yet unlikely to add to the calcium oxalate stone problem.Ideas are welcome.
I am so confused and asking for your help.
To keep it short, my 7-year-old neutered male Pug was hospitalized for 3 days with urinary obstruction caused from a UTI and struvite crystals. He was being treated (x10 days) for a UTI (positive UA, negative culture) by our regular vet when he became obstructed on a weekend and we had to go to the animal ER. He received aggressive irrigation of his bladder and no stones were obtained, but massive amounts of sediment and crystals were irrigated. X-ray and ultrasound do not show stones. Lab analysis only identifies struvite crystals. His UA showed bacteria and WBCs, culture was again negative. He received a 10-day course of Clavamox and is now on a 10-day course of Baytril.
The vet is insistent on feeding him Royal Canin Urinary SO. I would like your thoughts on this.
Thank you.