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Reply To: Short bowel syndrome

#12280 Report Abuse

Astral Weeks ! Hi ! My 4 year old lab ate a golf ball when she was 8 months ripping thru her intestines. They took out her jejunum.(the part that absorbs all the nutrients?!) So, the vet said Purina gastroenteric for a year, 2 Pancreatic enzymes, 2 fortiflora, 1 anti diarrheal WITH EACH meal. I didnt think any of that was a good idea cuz her diarrhea was bad. I stopped giving her all pills for a month or two and fed her boiled chicken breast and a little brown rice. I bought a grain free dog food at a animal feed store and began incorporating that with the chicken -then probably close to a year went to only dry grain free food – i drizzeled a teaspoon of honey in the bowl or sprinkled cheese on top. or Flax seed oil. and 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup of food 2x a day to start. Plain Pumpkin (organic) Plain yogurt (chobani) LOW SUGAR. If diahrrea happens still then give 2 probiotics (pour from capsule) into a teaspoon of of peanut buttter. Will you let me know how this works for you ?