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Need any information on a dog food that has beef, bison, or goat, no potatoes…
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Reply To: Raw Food Recommendations?
Hi once again Aimee. Sorry to keep peppering you with questions, but I just can’t help myself. I would love to get your input on this when you have time. I’ve been reevaluating my Worry List. The long list of dog food issues that I worry about. It has become so long, that I need to start letting some things go. Omega 6 fats and inflammation – specifically chicken – is the worry topic of the moment.
The holistic vet I consulted with shortly after my dog started having seizures called inflammation to my attention. She felt (without any testing I have to add) this was the root cause of his problems – not just the seizures but the fact that he had lost stamina, was not getting around well, and had developed anxious whining (was it anxiety or pain?). So chicken was her focus because it is inflammatory and she also thought he most likely was allergic to it. So I eliminated all chicken from his diet and started doing research. I did find that I agree with the fact that chicken is quite high in Omega 6 fats, compared to other meats (except pork is just as high) and I do believe in the inflammatory powers of Omega 6’s, so I have kept him off of chicken and also started avoiding foods with a high Omega 6 content (and high 6:3 ratio). Just recently I started reintroducing chicken in small quantities with no noticeable reaction. I’ve pretty much concluded that he is not allergic to it. The food allergy test did not show an IgE reaction and he never did have classic food allergy symptoms. But the worry about inflammation is still there. Plus, I have to admit that my dog is better overall, including seizures, now compared to before I eliminated chicken and started being careful about Omega 6. So, I am a little nervous about bringing it back. Your thoughts?
Would it be more appropriate for me to start a new Topic for a question like this, or is it ok to just keep asking here?
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Need any information on a dog food that has beef, bison, or goat, no potatoes…
Colleen Kilbane
11 hours, 33 minutes ago -
FREE 1lb Prime100 SPD Fresh Roll
Prime 100
3 weeks, 1 day ago -
Acid Reflux
Sarah S
1 month, 3 weeks ago -
Hip and Joint supplements
Judy R
2 months ago -
Innovations in pet care
Troy Lex
2 months, 1 week ago
Recent Replies
Pabloo Escabaros on Best Dog Chew toys or bones?
Dollie McCarrell on C.E.T. HEXTRA Chews by Virbac
Gerta Moret on Low Carb option
Gerta Moret on FREE 1lb Prime100 SPD Fresh Roll
Goody Goodrich on Badlands Ranch Superfood Complete
Futsum Abraham on Cane Corso lipomas
Evans Shane on Badlands Ranch Superfood Complete
Victor Renaud on Food mix recommendations and homemade food book recommendations?
Rachael Baum on Supplement recommendations for Cushing’s Disease?
Victor Renaud on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Emma Monty on Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition
Mike Killion on symptoms worsen on hypoallergenic
Mozelle Koss on Your recommended brands
Mozelle Koss on Expiration on kibble question
Barb Conway on Acid Reflux