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Bruce M

Has anyone considered using Elastin Supplements for their little ones?

Afterall, not only is the cartilage a problem, but so is the membrane.
Glucosamine and L-Carnitane aid in maintaining a healthy “C” formed cartilage…but there’s still the issue with a sagging membrane.

Chewy, my Shih-Tzu/Laso-Apso mix was diagnosed with Tracheal Collapse, along with a slight dip in his esophogus, just before his stomach. One Dr. dx’ed him w/a slightly enlarged Left atrium, which could be abutting the esophogus.

After MANY HOURS of research, I discovered Stanozolol, which is an Anobolic Steroid, which supposedly CURES TC! This info was obtained here:



And Lastly, here:

As you can see, these aren’t “Mickey Mouse” websites. I’m halfway through the second bottle (60 ml.) and so far, I don’t see major difference.

Chewy is also on MANY different supplements.

Hawthorne Berry extract…
Manuka honey, Slippery Elm, Lemon Juice & Cinnamon cocktail…
Krill Oil…
Fish Oil…
Milk Thistle (Sillymarin)…
Dandelion Root…
Fera Pet Cardiac Support w/Taurine, CoQ10, Hawthorne berry, L-Carnitine Vit. A…
Flax Seed…
Turmeric w/Biopine…
Green Tea extract…
CBD oil…
Cell Forte w/IP6.

There are a few others, but they’re MULTI supplement containers.

He doesn’t get these all at once, of course.

The other options for TC…
Surgery (C rings or stent)…
body wrecking pharmacueticals…
Hydrocodone cough syrup (which doesn’t work)…

I just wanted to share this, ESPECIALLY if your companion is just showing signs of TC!
DON’T WAIT! When you hear a “Honking Cough”, IMMEDIATELY bring them to your Vet!

If your companion is in the beginning stage of TC (Grade 1 or less), consider the Stanozolol steroid. Include sufficient amounts of Glucosamine & L-Carnitine. This steroid is compounded by a lab HERE: https://www.wedgewoodpharmacy.com/items/stanozolol-oral-oil-suspension.html

Your Veterinarian must have a DEA license to order this. 60 ml bottle costs less than $200.00.

My boy is a GRADE 3 to 4. A Grade 4 is severe. I’m going to order bottle #3 sometime next week. FINGERS CROSSED!

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