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Reply To: need wet food with drier less-creamy consistency

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Patricia A

T B she might do well with freeze dried. I use Primal and Stella Chewy’s for my two Chihuahuas’ However, there are many other brands related on this site you can try also. . You can break up the nuggets/disc to the size she can eat and then hydrate a little. The consistency will be soft but not mushy at all. You can break up as big or small as you like. Easy to feed and they go crazy for the taste and they get 5* reviews on DFA . Here’s the site for Primal. They also have raw called Pronto which you just take straight from freeze, put in bowl and it’s ready to eat in five minutes or so without water. https://primalpetfoods.com/pages/canine-choose-your-primal
They are not sold at supermarkets or petsmart/ petcos’ . You can order online or if you have a pet supply store in your area.
Hope this helps.