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#153705 Report Abuse
Patricia A

richard are you sure there is not a recurrence of the problem which can occur as stated in article below?
An incision will be made into the abdomen to allow the surgeon to examine the internal organs. If the bowel affected by the intussusception is in good condition, it is massaged to separate the telescoped bowel. In most cases, the affected portion of bowel must be removed and the bowel surgically reconnected.
Up to 20% of patients that are surgically treated for an intussusception may have a recurrence of the problem; however, if adjacent loops of bowel are tacked to each other with sutures (called ā€œsurgical plicationā€) this problem can be prevented.
Occasionally, an intussusception can spontaneously reduce by itself and the bowel will appear normal at the time of surgery; however, the intussusception commonly recurs if the bowel is not surgically plicated.
Has you shephard been eating normally without diahrreah problem and sustaining a healthy weight up until now? I imagine his digestion several weeks after his intestinal surgery would or should go back to normal and no reason why he would have to have “special” food since your vet did not mention any future complications in his digestion to you???

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Patricia A.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Patricia A.
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Patricia A.