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Reply To: New to raw feeding

#150169 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility
Jerry R

I switched to raw for my 16 month old red longhaired dachshund after much research and him not liking any kibble I bought for him. Maybe he’s smarter than I think. He is spoiled. I feed him from the grocery store and meat market. He loves chicken and a drumstick/thigh is more than a meal for him.
He works at it for an hour(skin, bones, and all).
He gets chicken feet to chew on for a treat. He’ll crunch it up for 30-45 minuted and swallow it.
He gets turkey wings too. One of them is 3 meals for him!
Pig tails, chicken and turkey gizzards and hearts, a little lamb liver I bought 10lbs. of for $8 .
Beef and lamb when reduced for quick sale is a great way to offer variety.
He’s as healthy as can be. And those chicken feet are very high in glucosamine for joint health. Great for reducing the effects of and preventing arthritis. Cleans their teeth too.
I try to follow these basic rules but I not naive enough to believe that every meal needs to be properly balanced.
60% lean muscle meat
20 % organ meat(5% liver)
20% bones, cartilage
He gets everything he needs and none of the crap he doesn’t. Firmer poop and far less of it and it doesn’t stink to high heaven. Clean teeth.
I use common sense in ths hygiene dept. and don’t use rotten meat like I’m sure kibble has.