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I can understand that feeling scary, especially in both a small/toy breed and a new puppy lasting a few days.

I absolutely agree with Joanne’s advice above re chicken & white rice, no fat or seasonings. (Great advice, Joanne!)

1% Cottage cheese & white rice (same proportion as above, more rice) will also work. My very first vet as an adult owner recommended the boiled chicken & white rice or lowfat cottage cheese & white rice as what vets use. For simple digestive upsets, I have recommended it frequently in rescue and as a fellow pet owner. I’ve also used it sporadically over the years. I’ve seen it work miracles!

It’s really very bland, soothing to the digestive tract/stomach, and highly, highly digestible. Use it for a few days or until the diarrhea stops. Don’t be surprised if your dog doesn’t have a stool for a while (1-2 days), as it is just from being highly digestible. It gives a dog’s system a chance to rest & heal.

Make sure your puppy is drinking enough water and doesn’t become dehydrated. You can use extra water cooking the rice, cooking longer than for humans, and give the rice water for added nutrients & soothing the system.

Check with your vet, if you’re worried. It’s okay! A phone call from an anxious new puppy owner is normal. Good luck!